Tag : quotes

21 posts

Taking time to play in my art journals has been a challenge. I’ve been suffering from bouts of extremely busy schedules followed by times of extreme sloth. No, I’m serious. I’m not sure what’s up with that but I find if my schedule or to-do list isn’t packed with stuff, I have a hard time getting motivated. I justify it to myself as “I’ve just been so busy, I’ll just sit down for a bit and __(fill in the blank)__.  These options often include a screen, but of course not a useful screen such as learning something…no, just time wasters.  Netflix, Pinterest, phone apps, iPad games. WHY!!??!!

Ok…now that I got that confession off my chest I’m ready to move on since I actually have broken my slothful ways the past two days. Taking time to create. Let’s hope it continues, shall we!

This page went together as so many of my recent. I begin with what is around me. Gluing pieces down as the mood strikes.

Next comes the color. My fingers are truly my best tool….second best being the baby wipes I use to clean them off.  As I add paint with my fingers I remember the joy this brings me. I recall why I consider art my own private therapy.  I let go. Let it happen naturally.

I honestly cannot walk away from a page with adding words. They don’t have to be mine. They can be a quote, a sticker, handwritten or stamped. You may not even be able to see them. I often will “journal spill or mind dump” on a page. Sometimes its so messy that it’s illegible. Other times I cover it up with paint or papers. Just the act of writing it out helps ground me but really what it says is no ones business but my own.

These words struck me. Not in the way they were likely meant to.  For me it was more about how creating is good for me, for my soul.

And that is a beautiful thing.

Linking up today with Art Journal Journey is Art for Art’s Sake hosted by Chris of Pearshapedcrafting.

Art Journal Journey

I had Thursday and Friday off work for MEA (Minnesota Educational Conference). Since I wasn’t attending any of the conference I was able to get a bit caught up on things around home. The kids and I did yardwork while the weather was gorgeous. So many leaves!!!!!

Yesterday brought rain…no yardwork to be done. That left time for indoor pursuits.

When I sat down to create I didn’t realize that I’d finish one page much less two. I was on a roll. It felt amazing to get my hands dirty with crafty goodness. 

This tea tag quote spoke volumes. Bliss…that’s what being creative again felt like.

The dimensional line of purple circles are actually tiny shells that have been dyed. I have no idea where I got them, I just happened to notice that they matched the punched flower and felt it would add some balance to the page.

This page came together from two parts that didn’t feel as if they belonged at first. The lavender is a napkin from Patty from some long ago gift she sent. Thank you Patty! Anyway…I had adhered the napkin over book text on a piece of cereal box and there it sat…for years. Yesterday it found a home.

Along with a few bits of this and that that spoke to me. The bit of lace helped mute the loud orange color down to a soft complement.

As I prepared to take photos for this post I realized that I made two pages that would work beautifully side by side in the journal. I didn’t even plan that. Obviously I had a palette in mind without thinking about it.

The pages flow. I love it when things work out like that!!

Linking up with Art Journal Journey for LANDSCAPES OF THE SOUL. 

Art Journal Journey

dream bigI made this one with my daughter in mind.

The first of several canvases I’ve been working on.laugh always

promise meIt’s been a while since I’ve sat down and worked in one of my art journals. Or at least it feels that way.

This was a quick page I did one morning while feeling inspired. It felt really good to be painting again.

I’ve been preoccupied with crafting for an upcoming craft show. My focus has been expanding my inventory…not art for the sake of art. :)




Some days I have trouble labeling myself as an artist. I find it super easy to call myself a wife, mother and blogger…but artist, I struggle with.



artist quote


This quote makes me me realize that I can embrace myself as an artist after all.

Now if my neck and shoulders would play nicely. I’ve been in pain since Friday afternoon when apparently I moved in some way that my body disagreed with.

Looking down at the keyboard is very painful. Yes, I still occasionally look down when I type. I think mostly out of habit…but it hurts!!!

Chiropractor in the morning…hoping that will set me right.


with great loveI’m back at the drips, splatters and squiggles. I couldn’t help myself.

The partially obscured quote is:

We can do no great things, only small things with great love.         ~Mother Teresa

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