Tag : salvage

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Over the weekend I finally checked something off my perpetual to-do list that has been on it for far too long….a closet purge. I decided to through my closet with a realistic mind.  I had so many articles of clothing that hadn’t been worn in ages. They fell into several categories; out of style, doesn’t fit, not my style, and why do I even own this?

I have a tall kitchen bag full of shirts and skirts but several pieces had potential to be reused or re-purposed.

I decided to cut or tear out the usable crafting pieces. I love adding bits of fabric to my journals, collage cards and mixed media pieces.

There was a good mix of colors and textures.

I’m really excited to start piecing these together. The pink plaid is kind of bugging me in this photo if I’m honest. But the rest of it gives a real tropical 1980s feel. Bright, bold colors…totally 80s.  Like, totally!  (in your best Valleygirl impression)

That roll of lace is calling my name….I cut it from the bottom edge of a shirt that I think I only wore once. It just never fit right. I hate that! I should know better than to buy something just because I really like the look of it and ignore the fact it doesn’t really work. But at least I have some pretty lace now.

But seriously…so many fun bits of this and that.

Anyone notice my glass of water in keeping with the T stands for Tuesday rules? She’s there on the corner of the table. Have to keep hydrated in the winter.

There was a sweater in my original pile but I haven’t decided how I want to use it yet so it remains uncut. I was thinking about Christmas ornaments and decor. Also maybe boot cuffs or mittens. I also thought about trying to refashion it in some way. Since I am totally undecided it will go in with my sewing fabrics until a later date.

What are you doing today?

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