Tag : sculpture

5 posts

Does anyone still care what I have to say and share after all this time. Yikes! 
I’ve been keeping my screen time at a minimum lately…mostly just enjoying our unseasonably warm weather. I was too late to even have tea today.

I actually have been working on a few projects…none of them ready for viewing.

I did want to share Little J’s school project though. She came up with the concept…I just had to help figure out how to make it stand alone.  
 I covered a bowl in wax paper then had her glue row after row of mini-marshmallows. After everything set up for several days I was able to remove the bowl leaving the wax paper intact.
Check out the little fire she thought up as well. Tiny rocks from the sandbox and a synthetic dyed leaf cut into “fire” smooshed into a pool of glue before placing the igloo. 
The photos don’t show it but the whole works was sprinkled with a generous coating of iridescent  glitter for that “authentic” snow look.  
I’m sure everyone else has already left their links over at Kimmie’s blog long ago. Stop by and see for yourself.


I saw a fun challenge and decided to go for it since I haven’t worked much with miniatures lately.  I found that I really miss it. 

I love making faux stone. It’s my favorite technique.

Have a magical day!!

As promised…the gingerbread house made at school. There was more sugar than should be legal in a classroom!

The three bears crack me up…

especially when there is a fourth hiding behind a tree.

Wow, I just realized this was my 4th post of the day. I guess I’ve had things to say just no time to say them. Today was no exception but I did manage to get a ton of stuff done…apparently I work best under pressure. 

We’ve lost our table to eat by, at least until all the glue sets.

Our son’s 3rd grade Academic Challenge group has been studying bridges.

This is there homework assignment.

It’s made entirely from spaghetti, marshmallows and glue. Other optional materials were toothpicks, scotch tape and paperclips. It had to span 75cm and 15cm in width. It also had to support 3 matchbox cars…as you can see his supports more than that. They also had to keep track of the materials they used because each item had a $ value and the goal was to build a bridge to meet the requirements the least expensively. He’s not done reinforcing it yet so we don’t have a $ total yet.

I was at the neighbor boy’s football game yesterday and noticed this sculpture in the distance. I saw an opportunity to sneak away from the football action to take some pictures. I wish there would have been a plaque or something with a description for this 20 foot tall sculpture. It was pretty cool but totally out of place for the area. The development is on the edge of farmland…I know eventually progress and urban sprawl will overtake it but for now…it looks…odd.

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