Tag : stickers

8 posts

This past weekend was beautiful for weather. Just perfect temperature, no humidity and no bugs! Amazing!!! I spent a good share of time outside getting my hands in the dirt. Still not the full garden but more containers and prep for the in ground planting.

I transplanted my tomatoes into larger pots to further develop a strong root system before planting in the ground. I’ve been setting the tomatoes along with the pepper and cucumber plants outside in the shade each day to acclimate them to the wind and fluctuating temperatures. Fingers crossed that they do well. 

I have my ever watchful supervisor while I’m outside. 

I planted a few containers as well plus the bare root rhubarb plants that came in the mail. It says that it takes two year before you can harvest anything. Bummer…I was really looking forward to some rhubarb goodies. (the bottle greenhouses will be serving as my drink reference this week)

What do you think of my bamboo trellis? I was just planning on a standard tepee like structure but then I got the idea to plant some radishes in the pot as well as snow peas. I came up with  this design so the climbers should stay in the center and the radishes can be on the outside edges…in theory at least. I wanted to plant snow peas but then realized I didn’t have any…they are still in transit so I went with pole beans. The next morning I found the stupid snow pea seeds. So I planted a couple of those as well. I figure I’ll keep whatever flourishes the most.

You know how I’m always repurposing things, saving stuff forever, trying to live a greener life. Well Mr G gave me a challenge. He wanted his “garage shoes” repaired since the back seam had completely come part. Other than that, they are still decent especially for outside working shoes.

Look at me….I’m a cobbler. The repair turned out WAY BETTER than I had ever hoped.

This year I decided to buy myself a little something for my birthday. Have been wanting a dot grid notebook for a while. I love making daily lists and wanted a little something prettier than the kids leftover spiral notebooks. Plus this is about half the size.

I started using it right away. I will likely make it a bit of a hybrid notebook/journal. Such as the page with the cupcake. I cut it from the birthday card my in-laws sent me. I wanted to remember the card but didn’t need the entire thing…plus my to-do list will be pretty short that day. Something needs to take up that space. ;)

I also ordered these washi stickers just because they were so cute. I’m sure they will make their way into my journal, cards and art.

We are getting takeout for my birthday. I do have to work (from home) and wash a load of clothes but other than that…I’m calling in lazy.

What are you doing today?

Welcome back to Halle’s Hobbies. Glad you could stop by today to check out another page for Words to live by on Art Journal Journey which I happen to be guest hosting this month. Yay!

I had really thought I posted this earlier but I had only uploaded the photos. I guess that’s what happens to our brains during the last week of school. Mush…mush for brains. Anywho…

I started with a page of thin blue/green mop up paper. Since it was too thin I adhered it to another sheet of thicker paper. Next I began using my favorite tool…my fingers…to paint over the chaos with bright happy colors…yellow, pink and orange. It was a little crazy so I muted things down with some white paint. After setting it aside to dry a while I cut it down to my 7×7 scrapbook journal size.

I pulled out some scraps that complemented my color scheme at this point. I began to play with layers until I found something that pleased me. Before gluing them down I decided some spatters of black were needed to help form a cohesive look.

Next I added some cheery flower stickers that just happened to match my color palette. The last thing was the words. I searched through my stash of words and phrases and quickly found the perfect one. 

Share the joy.

It wasn’t until I was taking these pictures did I notice that the scrap with the words had JOY visible twice.

I’d love it if you’d join me for Words to live by at Art Journal Journey this month.

Art Journal Journey

Hello and welcome to another edition of T Stands for Tuesday!

Lately when its not frigid or snowing, I’ve been doing a bit of thrift store shopping. Mini-me has gone a few times as well. She has found some really awesome clothes for herself. Me…not so much in the clothing department but I have found some craft supplies and home decor items.

Such as this cute word pillow for the couch. I love it! 

I also picked up this lovely red tray and the craft supplies in it. Frankly I don’t know if I’ll use the cards as craft supplies but they were so cute and reminded me of my childhood. They were a must have for me.

Speaking of supplies…I finally finished the tea in this tin! I’ve been wanting to use the tin in my craft room as an organizer. Now if I could just remember my original intention for it. :)

Since today was a workshop day for teachers, Mini-me and I had the day off. Marvin was very confused. He likes routines. He spent the day taking turns following each of us around the house, curiously watching.

BTW–Mini-me did really great in her tournament over the weekend. She once again shot a personal best. A whole 21 points higher than the previous week. And get this…she shot left handed after shooting right handed for over a year.

You can see her shooting left on this side at the most recently…as opposed to right at all previous tournaments. Crazy huh? And yes, Mini-me has almost waist length hair.

Tuesday has work, archery (thrifting time for me) and an evening meeting. It’s going to be a long day!

What are you doing today?

This tale is about the “right way” and the “wrong way” to be creative…at least this is how it went for me this weekend.

Saturday in an attempt to kill some time while waiting for some laundry to finish, I decided to challenge myself again to create for the Art Journal Journey theme of Collage~no wings, no leaves, no faces. To begin, I tore a page from a vintage basic electric manual figuring it had some good background to it already. In addition I snagged a couple of random scraps from my worktable and took the works to the sewing machine.

a tale of two pages

I then did a bit of journalling along the edge of one of the scraps. Ok…still feeling it…the creative spark was there but dim.

a tale of two pages

I added some color…still good. Then I sprayed some black mist through my circle stencil. It was as if the mist put out the spark. Instead doing the smart thing and walking away at that point to regroup…I was still waiting for the stupid laundry cycle to complete so I just kept throwing more crap at the page.

a tale of two pagesI’m still not excited about this one but that’s ok. Challenges are just that…a challenge. Otherwise it would be called super happy fun time.

Art Journal Journey

On Sunday while cleaning up my workspace I felt that creative spark again. This time I made a deal with myself not to push through if I wasn’t feeling it. I noticed a freebie art paper I had pulled from an old issue of Somerset Studio. So I had a great starting point…maybe an easy way to redeem myself.

a tale of two pages

Given the fact that this page has an eye on it it wouldn’t count for the challenge away.

a tale of two pages

I didn’t do a tom to the background…I used gelatos to intensify the colors in certain places, some outlining in white gel pen, lots of stamping, gesso through a stencil and heat embossing…but all in a very subtle way. After deciding on some layers of goodies including ink stained babywipes I adding stitching over my layers and around the page in a random fashion.

a tale of two pages

Some black paint splatters and added “eyeliner” were my final touch before looking for words. see possibility everywhere was just perfect.

So my lesson to myself was to know enough when to walk away. You can’t force it. I suppose it’s something like writers block…you can stare at a page but you can’t will the words or art to flow.

While sorting through photographs I came across one of a Hen-n-Chick succulent that I snapped a couple of years ago. Actually, right about this same time of year. The colors were reflecting those of the great outdoors even though they were that color all year long.

everything has beauty art journal page

Now these succulents aren’t necessarily what one would consider “beautiful” in the classic sense. I do feel that they have a certain beauty especially in the mathematical sense. Or perhaps that would be more of a fractal. I’m not sure anymore other than I know that the pattern is pleasing to the eye.

Once again I have layers upon layers. I started with a piece of scrapbook paper this time. I kind of threw the proverbial “kitchen sink” at this one. I have book page, washi tape, salvaged cardboard that was run through my Cuttlebug, glimmer mists, leather, printed tag, paints, phrase sticker, staples and white pen…oh an let’s not forget the photograph.

My colors fit into the Autumn theme over at Art Journal Journey again. Did I mention I love Fall?!?

Art Journal Journey

I haven’t worked in any of my art journals in quite some time. I’ve been kind of obsessed with sewing lately. But today I was inspired when I saw the new theme of Autumn over at Art Journal Journey.

sounds like autumn art journal page

When I think of Autumn, the rustle and crunch of leaves comes to mind. Memories of shuffling my feet through the leaves alongside the road and jumping into piles of raked leaves abound.

sounds like autumn art journal page

Warm colors and abundant texture dominate the landscape.

sounds like autumn art journal page

 I love this kind of page…  I used to be afraid of white spaces. Now I embrace them on my pages. Negative space can be quite powerful.

Art Journal Journey

There is a new theme over at Art Journal Journey…Back to School. Well that certainly is a timely theme since mine have been back for a week now.  On typical years the kids don’t go back until after Labor Day but ours went back early to make up for the week they’ll have off at the end of September.

Looks familiar AJJ: Back to School theme

Of course school as we knew it is gone. No black boards…they have been replaced by first white boards then smart boards.

Looks familiar AJJ: Back to School theme

And remember these…you’d look up the book you wanted in a card catalog then check it out by writing your name on the library card which would be stamped with the due date. That system has been dead a very long time. Bar codes and scanners with emails to remind you of due dates is the way of today.

Looks familiar AJJ: Back to School theme

This page is a tribute to school the way we knew it.

Art Journal Journey

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