Tag : suede

6 posts

I made this barn wood and fabric cross piece entirely from scraps. Yep, leftovers from other projects…not a dime spent.

Holy scrap barnwood and fabric cross

The printed fabric was from the curtains I recently shortened and lined, the barn wood came from the same gal as they had leftovers from remodel project and the brown suede was from a jacket I cut up long ago.

My inspiration was from Pinterest. There were no directions but the idea seemed simple enough. I used a staple gun to attach the fabric and a hot glue gun to adhere the suede center piece. Five minute project…seriously. I gave it to the family that just remodeled as sort of a “new space” warming gift since it perfectly matched the room. :)

It has been a while since I’ve worked in my art journals. I was worried that my muse may have disappeared….but I found her. 20141221_7356

I once again grabbed some scraps from around me to create this page. Some suede from a coat I cut up to make a book and some RenFest bags, tea stained lace curtain scrap20141221_7358 and some book page flowers I was experimenting with the other day.20141221_7357

I’m nearly done with this journal as well. I think maybe I can squeeze 3 perhaps 4 more pages out of it. I already have my next journal picked out….and an idea for another. I love the freedom art journaling affords. No theme. No boundaries. Just a place to express and experiment.


So here I am…a week past the October deadline for the Dress-up Project…  But on the bright side…it IS still October!!

Since I seem to be doing nothing but raking leaves lately, this seemed like the natural choice for October.  The bodice of the dress if cut from suede scraps. The skirt is made from a pack of silk leaves. Hot glue holds the whole works together.  Feels very woodland nymph-ish to me.  I even had to give a light spray of spray adhesive with a sprinkle of glitter for this one.

Hop on over to Margaret’s Alice and Camilla Blog to check out the other wonderful October Dresses!!  You won’t be sorry that you did!

I am very behind here in blogland…

Last Saturday evening I made this suede pouch to hang from my belt at the Renaissance Festival the next day.

I had already sewn a backpack but with the temperatures sounding on the cool side I figured I’d be wearing a shawl over my costume. If I had a backpack on I’d be sporting a “hunchback of Notre Dame” look.

So a belt pouch was in order….

I had a magnetic purse closure in my sewing basket so that worked out very well.  I used a scrap of suede to cover the ugly metal backing.

We had a good time with the kids at the festival. Such a different experience than going with another couple.

***I once again have to apologize for the poorly lit photos. Seems every time I want to photograph something it’s raining!!***

You may remember a while back I used a suede jacket to make a book.  I still had lots of suede left waiting for inspiration to strike.

As the old saying goes…Necessity is the mother of invention….

I needed a bag of some sort to carry at the Renaissance Festival this weekend that would look a bit more like a bag from that period.  After seeing the crazy expensive prices of the beautiful tooled leather belt pouches I knew I needed to come up with my own design.  I’d already spent too much on my new bodice… Did I mention how much we love the Renaissance Festival!!

I must apologize for the poorly lit photos…it is a very dark and rainy day here but I just couldn’t wait any longer to share…

I’ve thought about making a book like this for a long time. I wanted to to look time worn.

My first experiment was to put a stack of printer paper into a glass pan and fill it with instant coffee and warm water. I sprinkled grounds between some pages as well. The next day I poured off the water and let it sit. Eventually I began separating the pages. Each one has a unique look and texture. Just what I was looking for.

Some of the pages are slightly torn and darkened. Scrumptious!

For the cover and end pages, I used a suede jacket that had seen better days.

I’d like to do a little more with the cover of the book but for now I’m satisfied.

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