Tag : T Tuesday

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Whoa…yes, it’s me, two weeks in a row! I had a long weekend with both the MLK holiday and a grading day for school today so I had some extra zip in my step and got another post written. Unfortunately, I still had to leave the house bright and early for an appointment.

This is what my weather app said when I got up this morning…

And my van said even colder!! I made it to the appointment and got myself back home where I can putter around the house for the rest of the day working on the crafty bits that I’ve been super inspired to create lately.

Leading up to the holidays I just wasn’t in the Christmas spirit. This year was the first that we’ve been full-time empty nesters and the appeal of decorating, baking and the like, just wasn’t there for me.

I’m not exactly sure what it was that turned the table for me but now I’m Christmas crafting like crazy.

Maybe it was the late blooming of this Amaryllis. Isn’t it gorgeous!?!

As promised in my last post…here are some of the completed Scandinavian stars. I made a few more after taking the photo but you get the idea.

I made these scrappy little stars with the offcuts. I’m wishing that I had turned them into a garland instead of individual ornaments.  I might do it anyway…just have to heat up the hot glue sticking the top together with the hanger.

This load of buttons is the start of yet another Christmas craft. I have no idea if it’s going to turn out like it is in my head so I’m holding off sharing more for now. I’ll likely share the whole process after completion…even if it is a fail.

Last evening a had some tea. I just love this mug. It’s a good reminder.

I’ll leave you with an image of my sweet boy, Marvin. This is his morning spot…chair tucked under, tablecloth draped over…secret spot.

I’m heading up to the craft/sewing room next to play.

What are you doing today?

Happy 2025! Yes, I know I’m late but that’s kind of how I roll lately.

I’m starting to write this before work, bright and early Monday morning in hopes that it will get published in a reasonable amount of time.

I’ve been working a bit in my sewing room, organizing and crafting.

It seems as if I’ve been doing more collecting of supplies than using them lately. I want/need to remedy that.

I’ve been playing mostly with fabric but not always in a traditional sense. Fabric journal covers have been one of my recent endeavors.

I’ve been having fun using my stash and creating “sets” if you will. Everything coordinates.

I’m undecided if I’m going to open a new Etsy shop or not. There is a big, frustrating issue on the back end of things and I am no longer able to accept payments since my online bank I used was purchased. Etsy is not being very helpful or accommodating. In the meantime I keep creating without an end goal in mind. Honestly it’s really nice doing things that way.

Since I was sorting through fabric I decided to pull out my Christmas fabrics and make some Scandinavian star ornaments.

Several years ago I made a handful of them but had to look up the tutorial again to refresh my memory. I’ll share the completed ones at a later date.

I’ve been writing lists of crafty things I want to try…so many ideas, so little time.

One of my co-workers brought back these beautiful treats from her trip to India to share with our team.

They are Kaju sweets made with cashews, sugar, ghee and cardamom. The two I tried tasted as good as they looked.

I’m still unsettled on my WOTY for 2025. I loved brave so much, I hesitate to move on. I have a short list of words I may go with or I might just hang onto brave for another year. I don’t think there is any hard fast rule…and if there were I’d likely not follow it. :)

I have put together a full journal that I’m having fun making pockets, tags and other ephemera to include in and on the pages. It really is a lot of fun!

I can’t leave you today without an image of my best buddy Marvin.

Here he was watching an episode of Yellowstone with me. What I goofy cat!!!

I have a before school committee meeting Tuesday morning. No walk for me.

What are you doing today?

Welcome to another installment of T Tuesday! 

Life has been busy and I just haven’t taken the time to post anything. I find sitting at a computer pretty much the least desirable thing lately mostly because when I do, it hurts my back. But I’ll take one for the team today. I’m actually sitting on the floor at my coffee table in hopes that it will help my posture. 

Lately I’ve been doing more canning and preserving. A neighbor ended up with an excess of fresh food items from an event of some sort and shared hard boiled eggs, potatoes and apples with us.

I decided to try pickling eggs again since I had a gallon sized bag to get through. I don’t have a picture but you’ll have to believe me when I tell you they turned out wonderful. I even made egg salad with the pickled eggs. So yummy!

Canning potatoes is something I’ve always wanted to try and now that I have a pressure canner I am able to can low acid foods.

My first round of canning potatoes turned out great. And more to the point…tasted great!

I have been using my new outdoor propane camp stove for my latest canning projects. I’m so pleased with it. I have an electric stovetop in the house and hadn’t realized how much I like cooking with gas!!

Over the weekend I did back to back canning projects in the garage. (Yes I had proper ventilation in case anyone was concerned).

I canned 6 quarts of turkey broth and 7 quarts of potatoes. Unfortunately one of the quarts of potatoes failed to seal so I put it in the fridge and we had it with dinner tonight…so yummy!

Getting our pantry/storage room stocked and organized has been on my mind lately. Especially the organizing part because you don’t know what you have unless its organized in some fashion.

Slowly but surely I’m getting better on the organization end of things. My brain seems to work in a creative chaos most of the time but I am learning the value in everything having a place and everything in its place. At least in some areas of life. Don’t even talk to me about my desk…or craft desk…

Rewinding a bit to November…I had the chance to go on a couple of field trips with a handful of my 6th graders. The first was an outdoor environmental learning experience…unfortunately it was a terrible rainy day. We made the best of it and I think the kids got something out of the experience. The following day we headed to the MN Science Museum.

What’s a science museum without a bunch of dinosaur fossils?!?

This piece of art intrigued me and I wish I had had more time to check it out but duty calls.

I did snap this quick photo about the piece to check out later. I found it very interesting! I love that the artist used pieces salvaged from the Mississippi River.

As far as everything else in life… I’ve done a tiny bit of crafting when inspiration hits. I’ve also been listing things on eBay again with 50/50 results.

We hosted Thanksgiving here as usual and I was very happy that Mini-me was able to come home.  J came over as well as Mr. G’s side of our immediate family. It was a nice way to spend the day!

Marvin enjoys his “only child” status immensely.

Since it wouldn’t be a proper T stands for Tuesday with a beverage…

here is one I sampled with the neighbors one Saturday afternoon while watching some college football.

What are you doing today?

Just checking in again after a 2 month hiatus. Life happens but blogging doesn’t. :)

Last time I posted Mini-me and I had just gotten back from our cabin adventure. We were trying to get in as much as we could while she was job searching and I had the impending back to school dates looming ahead.

I was happy to get something canned this summer since my garden wasn’t super prolific this year. I was able to harvest enough hot peppers to make some cowboy candy aka candied jalapenos. I don’t need to make very much as I’m the only one who really enjoys it.

I’ve also been slowly working on using the supplies that I have accumulated. It does no one any good sitting collecting dust. I used the better part of a paper pad from my stash to create gift sets of blank notecards. It’s always nice to have some gifts on hand…and bonus that they are handmade!

Mini-me suggested that we go to the MN state fair on opening day this year. I’ve rarely turn her down when she wants to go somewhere since she tends to be a bit of a homebody. Wowsers was it busy! That day set an attendance record with 138,875 people!

We couldn’t leave without getting a bucket of these! We didn’t eat them all there. Only enough to jam the lid on the bucket after using some elite tetris skills. I froze cookies in small batches to enjoy for the future. In fact, I ate the last two cookies today.

On the bus ride to the fair, Mini-me got a phone call that she got the job she’d interviewed for a couple days previous. This was amazing news! Now she needed to find a place to live in and start work in 12 days. Yikes! It was a whirlwind… She is an admissions counselor for her alma mater. So cool! The only trouble she had was trying to find someplace to live in a small town at the beginning of the academic year. Everything is scooped up! However, between her heavy travel schedule on the college fair circuit and some temporary housing, it all worked out and she got an apartment after a couple weeks.

I had fun finding some furniture for her like this amazing vintage table and chairs at a garage sale!

Her place isn’t ideal but it’ll do for now. She’s hoping to get a roommate since she has a 3 bedroom all to herself. Again…that was all that was available!

So now we are really empty nesters. It’s so strange converting your children’s rooms to another use because its even more sad walking past an empty room. The smallest bedroom has become a sewing room, craft room. And now we have a guest room as well. So strange.

Another good update was that my most recent scans show no recurrence of lymphoma! Remission is a wonderful word!

I continue to walk in the morning before school as much as I can. The sunrise over the new parking lot pavement is lovely.

Last week was only three days which was great. I travelled to see Mini-me for a bit. I’m soaking up all the moments I can since I know they are fewer and farther between. Unfortunately my breaks from K-12 school only mean a busy time for her since that’s when people want to visit the university.

We went out a couple times in the brief time I was there. This place had really awesome coffee and a darn good Reuben sandwich. Eat local.

I’ll leave you with Marvin enjoying the “new” vintage quilt on the spare bed. I brought the comforter up to Mini-me so I’d have some blankets on the airbed. :)

Today had me back to work with an early meeting. No walk before school. :(

What did you do today?

Mini-me and I went on our “annual” girls trip last week. We really try to do one each year. This year we were able to stay at my cousin’s cabin in what is sometimes referred to as “lake country”. I grew up at this cabin…it’s a huge part of my childhood. I love being able to share it with my daughter.

The area had gotten significant rain the day before so the gravel road we took in the cabin was not a good choice. We made it but it was not a fun drive. The mud and gravel was really caked up under the van.

We had a good laugh later after the adrenaline wore off about on our Montana girls trip where we really did get stuck in the mud.

When we arrived the lake was like glass…virtually no wind. We immediately changed into our swimsuits to get as much time in the water as possible knowing that the weather wasn’t supposed to hold out for us.

We had a great time on the standup paddle boards. Neither one of us fell into the water. We left our glasses on shore just in case though and wore lifejackets.

Because of all the rain we’ve had this summer the lake is really high…as you can see we had to wade out about knee deep to get onto the dock.  As I waded into the water I noticed all the minnows swimming in the shallows just like when I was a kid. So many memories.

A campfire reheated hotdog was a perfect end to our first day.

Our second day was a rainy one. We decided to drive into town. Mini-me was interested in a used book store which happened to be on the same block as a couple antique stores. We both found some treasures.

After eating lunch at a favorite place alongside a lake, we stopped by 22 Northmen to pick up a 4 pack of my favorite summer beer.

I brought a bag of crafting supplies since we knew the weather wasn’t going to be perfect. I’ve been on a card making kick lately.

I managed to create 20 blank cards ready for sentiments. I love working with scraps and challenging myself to use what I have on hand.

The following day was very windy. Also not great to water sports so we decided to go hiking. Inspiration Peak isn’t too far from the cabin, so that was our destination.

The hike is fairly short but steep. The view was gorgeous.

Since it was still early, we checked out surrounding area map for another destination. We found a state park we’d never been to before.  We did a bit more hiking there before returning to the cabin to enjoy a relaxing afternoon.

We had a wonderful time quietly enjoying each others company. I’m so thankful my cousin let us use the cabin.

Today has boring household chores on the agenda as well as some shopping for interview clothes for Mini-me. She has a second interview on Thursday…this one is in person.

What are you doing today?

A couple weeks ago I mentioned that I was doing a bit of coffee dyeing. The heat and humidity were high. The papers took a good while to dry. I had to flip and rearrange the stack multiple times.

The Results

These were my favorites of the batch. I definitely learned some things about how the types of paper reacted. Some really thin paper that I thought would be great, really didn’t hold onto the coffee. I bought a vinyl lace tablecloth at the thrift store this winter for the purpose of coffee dyeing papers…do you think I can find it?!?! UGH! So frustrating. I’m sure I’ll find it in the dead of winter when I’m not able to easily coffee dye.

Vintage finds

I went to a vintage tractor, car, machinery, etc show with my neighbors on Friday. They have been telling me for years that I’d love it. They were right! So many things to look at. I have enough photos to do an entire post about it. But I couldn’t wait to share the items I bought at the flea market that was also on the grounds.

I instantly fell in love with this little drawer. I love using interesting vintage items for storage. The color was what got me. I have a decorative wooden box the same color.

Don’t judge me for the poinsettia tablecloth. It stays on our game table year round simply because it fits perfectly and I like the color in the space.

Look at the adorable price tag. The booth that I purchased this from had all fun handmade price tags made from recycled boxes. Mine was a Raisinets box.

I found some vintage papers that will be great for junk journals.

And this amazing box of postage stamps. Some are sorted into small glassine envelopes but most are piled in the box and other envelopes. It’s a massive amount of stamps really.

Look how fantastic the glassine envelopes fit in the drawer. It was meant to be.

I fixed myself a hardy breakfast this morning. I had cooked way too much broccolini yesterday but it was great warmed up alongside the eggs. I used some Trader Joe’s Crunchy Chili Onion on top for a flavor boost. I love that stuff on eggs and was really good on the broccolini too.

Today has me trying some new recipes for dinner. I love trying new things but I hate having to measure and follow directions. I’m more of an intuitive cook but I try to follow recipes at least the first few times.

What are you doing today?

Last Friday Mr. G surprised me with tickets to tour the Pillsbury Castle. I had mentioned it in passing earlier that week but hadn’t expected to be doing the tour just a few days later.

I’m not sure about all over the USA but here in the mid-west Pillsbury is synonymous with baking. And this house was that man’s castle.  The flour milling industry was one of the largest factors in Minneapolis becoming so successful during the industrial revolution.

This remodel/restoration was not a historical recreation. A couple purchased the home and is planning to move into it later this summer. The tour was more of a designer showcase once we got there. It was cool anyway.

This was my favorite painting in the home. I love impressionist style, but this had a modern flair that spoke to me.

The same room had a large niche/alcove/inset…not exactly sure how to classify it… but I was amazed by these crystals.

This old mirror gave a fun reflection at the end of our tour. I’d like to think it was an original mirror from the home but I really have no clue.

Back in the day this was a very wealthy neighborhood. These days it’s a very weird mix of old mansions turned into apartments or businesses and homes being restored or neglected. Just a couple blocks from there was a homeless encampment. It’s so odd to me that there is such disparity within a few block radius. Maybe I’m just too used to my safe suburban bubble.

Speaking of the suburban bubble… back at home I captured a photo of my handsome Marvin enjoying his supervised outside time.

While outside I took a few blooms from my neighbors daylilies. Don’t worry…I’m not a thief. She texts me to come get them before the deer eat them. Since there were very few I upcycled a tequila bottle into a vase.

Errands and housework are on my agenda…yay fun stuff…

What are you doing today?

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