I’m enjoying a quiet, overcast, drizzly morning with a cup of coffee. Mr. G is out the door to work and the kidlets are still sleeping. How long do you think I can keep calling them kidlets when the oldest is my height? I say, FOREVER!!
Since it is so gloomy I decided to light my tea cup candle while I read and sip my coffee.
Knitting group is on the docket for today as well as a little back to school shopping. School supplies have been purchased and are packed in the backpacks. Big J is in denial while Little J is excited to go back in just over a month.
Gracie is attempting to will away the rain with her mind so that we can go sit outside. Good luck kitty. Maybe we can enjoy a little time later but that concrete has to dry to make it comfy for furry paws.
What are you doing today?
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