Tag : Tea Tuesday

74 posts

Once again we awake to more snow. Never mind the temp gauge on the shed door that perpetually reads 30°F… It’s currently a balmy 19°F.  It’s actually quite beautiful out.

Of course, we’d never heard the plow go through during the night so we never guessed there was a bunch of snow in the driveway. Lucky for my husband, I know how to run the snowblower properly now. He could just ram through the berm at the end and slip-slide to work again once again.

So I made a big mug of tea before heading out. It was the perfect temp by the time I finished.

I should probably invest in some proper snow gear one of these years. But for now…hiking boots and jeans seem to fit the bill.

Go see what my Tea Tuesday friends are doing today. Head over to the new page on Kimmie’s blog.

Running a little behind today…I had to fill in at the school library.

While I was out I stopped by my PO Box and found a wonderful piece of Mail Art from Linda.
The packaging is outstanding! I sat and savored it with my tea before opening.

Linda is so sweet…I left a comment on her blog a while back saying how much I loved the mail art she had received.
She emailed me and asked for my address so she could send me some mail art too!

Inside I found these wonderful bits of ephemera and an ATC.
I never expected such an awesome piece of mail art with little gifties inside as well!

Thanks so much Linda! 

See what my Tea Tuesday friends are up to today by checking out Kimmie’s sidebar.

Once again heading out the door… going to go help mom today.

I bet some of my Tea Tuesday friends will have much more interesting things to talk about than myself today. Go check out their posts on Kimmie’s sidebar.

Hopefully, I’ll have time to stop by later too!

Good morning. I’m enjoying some herbal tea in another pretty cup borrowed from my mom. It looked so nice sitting next to the Christmas tree and the wooden Nativity my Uncle Bill made for me when I was a teen.

Hopefully later I’ll have a shot of the graham cracker gingerbread house from school today.

Stop by Kimmie’s blog to see what the rest of the Tea Tuesday bloggers are doing today. You find the links on the sidebar.

Today I’m treating myself to a fancy cup of yummy tea while I write Christmas cards.

In previous years I’ve made a scrapbook page then had them color copied to send out as our family greeting. Last year I did a custom photo card.

This year I went in a more traditional direction. I purchased these cute cards last year after Christmas. Then last month I created a collage photo to send along with the cards. I’d forgotten how long it takes to sign each cards, write a little note in some and then address all the envelopes!!  It’s worth it though.  I love having all the cards and photos from friends and family hanging in the kitchen.

Head over to Kimmies blog to see what my Tea Tuesday friends are up to today.

I’ll be back a little later with the 2nd day of Christmas swap page…

BRRR!! It’s a cold one here today.  It looks beautifully…the sun is shiny bright but then you step out the door and it slaps you in the face!  At least it’s not super windy.
I’m having a nice hot mug of tea of organic oolong tea today since I have to go back out to go grocery shopping.  I actually went to workout this morning already…gotta wear off all those goodies somehow.

Go see what my Tea Tuesday friends are up to today… Visit Kimmies blog and look on her sidebar.

Oh the weather outside is frightful…. la dadada something something…
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

I wish I could stay in all day but I’m having a quick brace of tea and a cookie before I head out for library duty at the kids school. Due to budget cuts they eliminated the media para meaning that they ask for parent volunteers to check in, check out and shelve books. I’m happy to help out but it makes me a bit crazy when the latest PTO newsletter came out talking about how great the school has done with the last fund raising event. How about giving the woman her job back!  

Ok I must now get down off my soap box to put on my boots… I don’t mind driving in snowy weather, I was a school bus driver for a couple years, it’s just all the other cars on the road that I don’t trust!!

In case you were wondering…this is another set from my folks collection. Figured I’d show the bottom for those who are in the know…not me but I’m sure you’re out there…

Stop by Kimmies blog to see what my fellow tea drinkers are doing today.

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