Tag : Tea Tuesday

74 posts

You may (or may not) have noticed that I have not posted anything since last Wednesday. 
I had intentions of completing projects but my back had other plans. An ice pack, ibuprofen and my chiropractor have been my friends this past week.
While sitting and icing, I’ve managed to finish The Help.
I like to read the novel before seeing a movie based on the book.
 And this, otherwise not comfortable, chair my friend. It has a nice firm straight back…something none of our the seating seems to provide. 
It’s made of elk antlers and is over 100 yrs old. 
I want to recover it in something more interesting than what is currently on it. 
It was my Grandfather’s chair. 
He traded an eye exam and glasses for it with a North Dakota Congressman or Governor in the early 1900’s. 
I’ve heard the story both ways. 
Pretty neat, huh! 
It’s definitely a conversation piece!!
The reason for the doll in the chair is to show one project that I did complete.

A tiny knit hat for Rosie.
Well my back has had just about enough sitting in front of the computer.
I’ll have to go check out the rest of the Tea Tuesday links over at Kimmie’s blog later.


Does anyone still care what I have to say and share after all this time. Yikes! 
I’ve been keeping my screen time at a minimum lately…mostly just enjoying our unseasonably warm weather. I was too late to even have tea today.

I actually have been working on a few projects…none of them ready for viewing.

I did want to share Little J’s school project though. She came up with the concept…I just had to help figure out how to make it stand alone.  
 I covered a bowl in wax paper then had her glue row after row of mini-marshmallows. After everything set up for several days I was able to remove the bowl leaving the wax paper intact.
Check out the little fire she thought up as well. Tiny rocks from the sandbox and a synthetic dyed leaf cut into “fire” smooshed into a pool of glue before placing the igloo. 
The photos don’t show it but the whole works was sprinkled with a generous coating of iridescent  glitter for that “authentic” snow look.  
I’m sure everyone else has already left their links over at Kimmie’s blog long ago. Stop by and see for yourself.


I’m fully armed and ready for battle. In fact, I crossed several tasks off my list yesterday. 
This is the first year that I’ve actually complied a master list. I think (hope) it will help me stay on task.
I haven’t been feeling terribly creative lately but I think once I get the Spring cleaning done, I won’t have that nagging me.
Today won’t be all work though..am planning to walk to knitting after a little while. 
 As Kimmie mentioned in her Tea Tuesday post…now with the time change, there so much more daylight in the evening. My motivation level stays high late into the evening. Hooray for that.
What are you doing today?



Since we are supposed to be above 50°F today, I’m planning to walk to knitting group this morning. 
It’s just under 2 miles but I felt I had better eat a little more hearty breakfast than my usual Greek yogurt.
I also wanted to show off the cup my mom gave me. It was one from my dad’s collection.


  Isn’t it pretty?! 
It has a map of Scotland on the saucer and a pretty scene with thistle on the cup.

Using this cup that he cherished makes me feel close to him.
Now I’m getting very emotional…not very Norwegian of me. :)
I’m off to visit my Tea friends blogs from Kimmie’s site.

What will you be doing today?


…with my coffee. 
Another busy morning but I’ll be back to check in with my tea friends over at Kimmie’s later today. 
I have a workout, babysitting and knitting group on my morning schedule after I get everyone out the door. 
What are you doing today?


No, I’m not stopping having tea…I’m stopping my busy day to HAVE tea. 
As I’ve said on numerous occasions, Tuesday is a very busy day for me yet I refuse to give up have a virtual cup of tea with my online friends completely. 
Yes, there is a day or two I miss here and there but who doesn’t cancel a date from time to time.
Tomorrow I’ll have to show you a couple of other projects I’ve finished over the last week.
Until then…please stop by Kimmie’s and see what my friends are doing today.

My friend Sandy called and said she wanted to have tea with me today…problem is that she lives about 1200 miles from me. So we decided on having virtual tea.

My tea…

Her tea…

Thanks for having tea with us!

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