Tag : Tea Tuesday

74 posts

I’m attacking some paperwork today at my desk while I have my tea. Not too exciting but one of those necessary evils in life. Hopefully I can be quick about it so I can go be creative this afternoon!
Stop by Kimmies for more interesting Tea Tuesday posts than mine this week. :)

Well, the would be this Halle…not the Christmas spelling, which is the wrong spelling in my opinion. :-)
Anyway….I’m trying my best to root this ivy cutting that was given to me. Not like I really need another house plant but I have a hard time resisting them especially when they are FREE!
Stop by our hostess with the mostess, Kimmie’s blog, to see what she and the rest of the girls are doing this last Tuesday before Christmas.

I think a nice hot mug of tea, a blanket and some old magazines are just what the doctor ordered. At least Dr. Mom…

I’m sure you’ll find much more interesting Tea tales over at Kimmies blog today.

Right after Thanksgiving I stopped by my PO Box and much to my surprise, found a package waiting for me.
Sweet Stacie the Craft Princess had sent me a thank you gift. And a lovely one, it is… So today I’m enjoying a cuppa vanilla bean tea. YUM-O. Super cute card too!

You see…a while back Stacie had commented on how much she liked the tissue packs I was making. I decided to make one for her. Of course, in my usual hurry I never took a photo. But she did…here’s her post.

I never expected anything back from Stacie but I certainly am appreciative! Thanks Stacie!!

Blogland is such a wonderful place… and speaking of a wonderful place….why don’t you stop by Kimmies today and she what my Tea Tuesday friends are all up to today.

…actually coffee. Kimmie is nice that way…she doesn’t mind if we join without the proper beverage. Thanks Kimmie!
I have yet another busy Tuesday. Although I feel much better that I have a few things crossed off the list already. 
Tomorrow, I’m sending my oldest off on his 6th grade school trip. They will be gone 3 days and 2 nights.  This is a huge step!! For both of us. :)  
He is super excited. I’m nervous because it’s 4 hours away. 
I have the packing list at hand and am checking and rechecking it.
What are you doing today??

Once again my Christmas cactus is confused 
about the time of year. 
It seems to be more of a Thanksgiving and Easter cactus. 
Sure is pretty regardless of the time of year. 
Won’t you stop over at Kimmies to see what my friends are doing today…I’m heading there next.  
And thank you for not noticing the dust on my end table.  

I missed tea with Kimmie and friends last week…
I just had to make it for tea today.
About this time of year I start to get very sentimental. I’m sure its because the Holidays are right around the corner and that means family and friends…renewing those connections.
So…I’m having tea in spirit with my Grandma. I’m using a cup from her china set and thinking about what it would have been like to actually know her.
I’ve used her image in many pieces of art over the years.
This one is is quite timely. It is from a set that I sent off for a Somerset Memories challenge. It wasn’t one of mine that they actually published but I still really like it!
I think this was the first piece that I used this image on….
I recycled a CD and some denim in this one to make a unique wall hanging or ornament.
Another fun one….
I used so many techniques on this canvas. It was a great big experiment that turned out pretty well.
Are there times of the year that make you more nostalgic?  Or maybe its a song… a scent… a movie?
I’d love to hear your stories…

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