Tag : Tea Tuesday

74 posts

I confess…this post is scheduled. 
I am enjoying some late evening tea in my cute, “new to me’ chickie mug, while writing this post. Tomorrow…well today as you are reading this is just too busy for …much like so many Tuesdays. 
Why is it that Tuesday is the most filled day on my calendar?? …Frustrating. 
I did want to share some fun mail I picked up the other day though.
I got my color swap pages from Dianne. Fantastic pages.
 Love this watercolor bird.
I’ve been ito watercolors myself these days.
 Fun fabrics and trim…love it!
A combo of watercolors, fabric and stitching…
truly calling my name. 
 Doodles that I envy…
Plus some fun tags…
Feel free t drop by Kimmies blog today for the other Tea Tuesday posts…I know I will be later.

I’ve been busy sewing again. This time making more greeting cards.While running a few errands this morning I stopped at the co-op for a few essentials and a little indulgence. I really love this fermented tea and since it’s going to be really warm again today, it seemed like a good choice.
Stop by Kimmies blog, art in red wagons, for the other Tea Tuesday posts.
Also just a little teaser…tomorrow I’m doing something special for Breast Cancer awareness month. My mom is a 43 year survivor. I hope it turns out like the picture in my head. I’ll be sure to take a picture when its done.

So I did get inspired from sorting buttons. Not to actually used any of those buttons but by color. 
I painted a 12×12 deep edge canvas with several shades of yellow.  Then using a palette knife applied a bold wave of burgundy then some thin lines with the edge of the knife. 
I knew I wanted a circle…I love circles for some reason.  I knew I had a perfect piece of Citra Solv paper. I used gel medium to adhere it to the canvas. 

It’ still needed something. I decided to try out beeswax over the top. I’ve always wanted to try it so why not right!
It wasn’t as easy to spread as I thought so I decided to get out the heat gun to try to smooth things out a bit.
After several minutes of fussing with it …melting,…cooling…melting some more…

I came up with my finished piece.
Or at least I think it’s finished… This is where I struggle…not knowing when enough is enough.
I love that the paper that once looked slightly out of place is now firmly set into the painting..looking as if it is “one with the canvas”.
Stop by Kimmie’s to see what the Tea Tuesday gals are doing today….maybe you’ll even see a teacup in a picture.  :)

My garden harvest is winding down…so
I’ve started the process of saving seeds for next years garden. This way I’m creating my own heirloom seeds. This is what I’ve collected thus far. 
I’m waiting for a 3 other tomato plants to ripen so that we may sample the goods and see if they are worth saving.  
I got those plants from my psuedo-sister-in-law so I don’t even know what they are called. 
Do you save seeds? Vegetables? Flowers?
I save them all….it’s fun to see what comes of it and besides that-
Stop by Kimmie’s blog  to see what she my Tea Tuesday friends are up to today. 
I’m heading there next myself.
BTW-Kimmie also has a wonderful gardening blog that can be found on her side bar.

I had to take my mom for an appointment this morning and somehow ran out of time before leaving.  
I was busy composing my to-do list…and even glanced at the crossword from Sunday while enjoying my cup of tea. 
I already drank most of a pot of coffee. It’s rough getting up at 5:30…
Hopefully I’ll actually get a few of those things crossed off the list before the day is out. 
Wish me luck…I’m going to need it!

Stop by our hostess, Kimmie’s blog when you have a chance…she has some beautiful photos posted today.

I’ve noticed that I’ve been somewhat unplugged from the blogosphere lately…even from my computer completely.  It’s been kind of refreshing. With the end of summer wrap-up we have so many things on the calendar in such a small amount of time. 

I’ll be around here and there over the next couple weeks very randomly. I’m not trying to ditch you, if i don’t answer an email as promptly as I used to…I’m just not checking email very often.

Happy end of summer to everyone! I’ll be back to my “normal” self after Labor Day.

On yet another beautiful morning, I am having a little quiet time on the deck before diving into the day.
Days like today remind me why we put up with the extremes of Minnesota weather.  
We’ve been blessed with an abundant garden once I figured out how to keep the critters at bay. The fencing and the flags along with an occasional sprinkle of blood meal seem to have done the trick.
I’ve picked a couple ice cream buckets full of green beans…  
Enough snow peas for stir-fry and munching…

Several big, yummy cucumbers 
with more on the way…

Very soon I’ll have more tomatoes than I know what to do with…
I can’t wait!
And by the way…
our leaves are starting to turn… 
just a few here and there. 
What a short growing season!

Drop by my friend Kimmie’s blog to see what’s going on with my tea Tuesday pals.
What are you doing today?

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