Tag : Tea Tuesday

74 posts

I am so happy to say that our weather has made a turn. The humidity and heat have gone.
I awoke to 61°F with a cool NW breeze.
I want to wash all the sheets and blankets to dry them outside for a change.
But first I must show you the flower I made.
I have a couple more sets laid out but the heat and humidity in the garage yesterday was too much and I got very frustrated with the heavy gauge wire. Have to try again today.

My summer drink of choice tends to be ice water with lemon slices and a bag of green tea.  The tea doesn’t “brew” since it’s ice water but it definitely flavors the water. 

Today I have Yogi Lemon Ginger Green tea flavored water.

I love today’s quote….

Hope you all have a wonderful day. 

Stop by Kimmie’s blog if you’d like to see some more tea posts for the day.

Much to my surprise this morning this is what I saw when I pulled open the shades.

Can we say humid!?!  That condensation is on the OUTSIDE of our windows. It’s not even like we run our A/C very cool…it’s just that thick out there.

(“mini-me” says I look like a deer in this photo…I don’t see it.)

Through the patio door we can usually see the kids playset…now just the yellow blob of the slide.

Keeping my fingers crossed that lacrosse will be cancelled again tonight. To dangerous to practice in this heat for anyone…much less kids.

Stop by Kimmies if you’d like to visit more bloggers hosting tea today.

After a fun filled, busy weekend… it’s hard to believe that it’s already Tuesday.

We over-indulged…

Enjoyed a carnival both from great heights…

and with our feet firmly planted on the ground…

The people watching is always fun…

Of course, we still had more fun to pack in yesterday…

A car show…


Tractor rides for the kiddos…

We never even made it to fireworks. Everyone was tired, sweaty and slightly sunburned. A shower and bed sounded like the best option.

This morning the kids and I took my mom out to visit my dad’s grave. He would have been 84 today. We left red, white & blue flowers and placed little stones on his marker. I think it would have made him very happy. He always said he was a late firecracker.  He always treated the 4th of July as part of his birthday celebration too. Time for family, friends and fun. Makes me happy to think of it as that way as well.

Hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday weekend!  I think I need a nap now!

Stop by Kimmies blog to see what’s up with my Tea Tuesday friends this week….

The baby girl got her palette expander and partial braces this morning…poor thing.

Time for a smoothie…

Stop by Kimmies to see what’s going on for Tea Tuesday.

I have been so horrible.

I received an absolutely wonderful prize…SO LONG AGO…. from Annette, aka Voodoo Vixen.

I took pictures right away, resized them and promptly forgot to post them.

Isn’t this the sweetest little book?!?

How could I have forgotten to blog about this?!

The pockets are each filled with a different kind of tea.

Yum…so many to try.

The ATC is awesome!

Love the gears.

Once again Annette…Thank you. So sorry I’ve been such a slouch and not posted this beautiful gift until now.

Off to brew some tea from the book. :)

Stop by Kimmies blog for the rest of the Tea Tuesday blogs.

I’m not going to lie…it’s still coffee in my cup.
I wanted to get outside and check on my plants. 
The squirrels have been driving me crazy with their digging!!
Ok, my green onions are fine. 
Maybe the movement of the pinwheel is helping. 
Happy Flag Day!
Oh good, my newly transplanted rhubarb looks like it’s finally starting to accept its new home.
This is my latest goofy attempt to keep the squirrels out of my lettuce box. 
It looks like I’m trying to grow sticks. Not liking the look.
Hey, where did the sun go??
I better finish up my coffee so I can get the rest of my planting done before it decides to rain.
Thanks for stopping by for tea…oh, yeah…coffee with me.
Remember to swing my Kimmie’s blog for the full list of Tea Tuesday participants.

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