Tag : Tea Tuesday

74 posts

…with iced coffee….and then about a gallon of water.

It’s a hot one today!

I had to get out there and get the massively overgrown bushes trimmed this morning before it gets really hot and humid later. Although, it was plenty hot already when I came in. YUCK!

Stop by Kimmie’s for the full list of Tea Tuesday participants.

Had to take a little break and check out how the garden fared after the high winds from last night. It’s still super windy!! Seems as if it’s either raining or windy these days.

The chicken wire is to try to discourage the squirrels from digging in the garden box. I found a black walnut that was beginning to sprout in there. I’m sure they are looking for more buried treasures. Little pests.

Also check out the beginnings of another small garden.  We still need to put up fencing…both the chicken wire kind and the tall kind. There are bunnies that live under the shed so we have to keep the from getting into the all-you-can-eat smorgasbord. The tall fencing is to keep the deer at bay.

Stop by Kimmies for the list of Tea Tuesday players.

I’ve got a bunch of ideas in my head but not enough time to play lately. As a result…I have chaos.

Stop by Kimmies for the list of the Tea Tuesday participants this week.

Due to my crazy busy schedule lately and all the rain we had last week, I never got further than my front yard with the traveling tea cup.

I had plans for our adventures…little chip and all.

I had hoped to get to the Arboretum and the docks where the lake cruisers are moored but alas it was not to be.

Since we finally had sun for a couple of days I got the deck staining finished!
See the nice brown railing in the below picture….
What a job!  2.5 gallons of stain…ugh my aching back!

I did get a couple of little things done to include in our traveling  tea cup package.

A crochet dishcloth for handwashing those delicate tea sets and a magnet with a reminder….

Stop by Kimmies today and see what’s happening with Tea Tuesday.

It’s quite humid today and while the sun was out I’d even say it was hot. Now keep in mind that just 9 days ago it snowed a little. Not snow that stuck but snow none the less.  Gotta love Minnesota.

So today I’m doing a bit of planting today…

Just 2 hanging baskets and a small pot of flowers so far. All from seeds I saved and started in the house.

I’ll be buying some plants but still have a few things in the house in need of planting.

Stop by Kimmies for the links to the other Tea Tuesday bloggers

On a side note to those participating in the Tea Cup round robin. I got my package on Friday but hadn’t had a chance to do more than take a tiny peek inside until this morning.

“Houston we have a problem….” Apparently, the  package wasn’t handled very carefully in transit.

I have emailed Judy privately to ask how we should proceed and am awaiting a reply but thought I’d mention it anyway.

A few weeks ago the odometer in my minivan turned to all 7’s as I pulled in the driveway.

I thought…”Huh, must be my lucky day.” 

There just might be something to that!!

 I’ve been very lucky lately in winning blog candy.

See this cute little clay tea tag against my tea cup. It came from Jill of Jill Ruth & Co.   She also happens to be one of Kimmie’s Tea Tuesday friends!

She had such unique packaging…Love it.
Everything is reusable. Awesome!

Just look at all the fun stuff that came out of that demure little box.

I knew exactly where the “bloom” tag would go. Right on my desk so I can look at it all the time.

Thanks so much Jill!!

My in-laws were over for Easter. They surprised me with an early birthday present. 
It is so cool!! 
Since I normally drink bagged tea, I popped into a little shop next to the dentist’s office yesterday to grab some loose leaf tea. They only had black or green tea. I opted for the green.

The tumbler is so pretty…the blues are just gorgeous. Such a unique piece.

I used Photoshop to try and correct the color since it’s such a cold and rainy day.


Time for more tea!!

You can find the full list of Tea Tuesday participants over on Kimmie’s blog.

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