Tag : Tea Tuesday

74 posts

Seventeen years ago today…a Tuesday, like today…I married the man of my dreams in Las Vegas.
We were young and impulsive…I’m sure many thought it would never last. But here we are…17 yrs later, happy and very much in love.

Stop on over at Kimmie’s blog to see what my Tea friends are doing today…

I really enjoy my tea. It’s a daily ritual for me…at least until the hot weather comes.

I also love books! I’m especially drawn to old books. I love the way they look and feel.

Some I would never alter in any way and others scream at me to make them my own with paint, paper, fabric and glue.

Hop on over to Kimmies blog to see what the other girls are doing today.

A little afternoon tea gazing at the remains of the snow in the backyard.  Ok…now back to work. :)

I missed Tea Tuesday yesterday…
I was busy getting a root canal.  Oh, Joy.

So the cups remained in the cupboard…they looked pretty while waiting though.

I’ve also spent an enormous amount of time in waiting rooms lately so I’ve brought stuff with to keep me busy and make the time pass more quickly.

So actually a pretty laid back Tuesday for me…WOOHOO!
Workout, shower, laundry and art are all on today’s list. Already have a couple checked off. It’s a good day…with the exception of the rain mixing with ice pellets. BRRR!

My Christmas Cactus  is blooming again. I’m not complaining…  It’s just odd. It seems to bloom about Thanksgiving and Easter…although Easter is very late this year.

Check out the steam I was able to capture in my photo….
(click it to enlarge if needed)
I never thought it would actually show in the photos.

You’ll find the list of my tea Tuesday friends on Kimmies blog.

Anyone notice that my plant is in a tea cup?!?!

Just a simple cup of tea today…nabbed this box of the clearance rack at our local co-op. It’s pretty good.
Time to check a few things off that “to-do” list  before going to babysit again.
Go see if my friends are doing more interesting things than myself today… You’ll find the list on Kimmies blog.

Another super busy Tuesday for me. Just coffee for today.

I had to turn the photo black and white because my beautiful amber pendant lights over my sink turned the photo such a sickly color. No time to retake silly photos for today…

Go see what everyone else is up to today over at Kimmies blog!

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