Tag : Tea Tuesday

74 posts

Do you make lists?
I do..constantly. It helps keep me on track. Otherwise I end up wasting a bunch of time on…something…anything…except what I really need to be doing.
I also love the satisfaction of crossing things off that list. Sometimes I even write down the thing I just did even though it hadn’t been on the list…just so I can cross it off. Quirky I know…but that’s just me. Take it or leave it….

My tea set today is actually a mismatched orphan set from my mom. I bet you wouldn’t have even guessed. The cup is from Germany and the saucer is from Austria. I think they look quite nice together.
My tea today was an organic Jasmine blossom Green tea. I’ve figured out that I really do not like flower teas. I don’t care for chamomile either.

I better get finished up…there’s a lot on my list!!
Go see what my friends are doing today…you’ll find the links on Kimmies blog.

Just got back from library duty at school. I’m having the last of the loose leaf tea my MIL gave me. It has a really good flavor.

I had to buy one of those tea ball thingies so I could enjoy the tea a while back. I know I had one years ago but somehow when I actually wanted to use it…I couldn’t find it anymore. Isn’t that just the way of things!

Stop by my Kimmies blog to see what my friends are up to today.

Does this look good or what?!?  I’m having some basic green tea with my new favorite sandwich. It a grilled cheese with a twist. I use olive oil on the whole wheat bread instead of butter. The cheese is provolone. To give it even more flavor I use stone ground mustard, baby spinach and sliced tomato.  OH YUM!

Go see what my Tea Tuesday friends are doing today!
You’ll find the links over on Kimmie’s blog

I have a few moments before I get on with the rest of my busy day which includes watching the little baby next door! YEAH! I love babies!

I wanted to share with you the wonderful package I got from my swap partner on Swapbot. I hadn’t been involved in a swap for several years on this site but decided it would be fun again. Boy am I glad I did!

Just look at the thoughtful package I got in the mail!  She looked at what I do and totally customized the package for me. She even saw that I love tea so she sent a couple of kinds for me to try!  Thanks Holly!!!

Isn’t it funny that Holly sent to Halle… Same name…different spelling.

It’s always nice to see that there really are a lot of wonderful people in this world…  The news can make you question…that’s why I like to live in my own little suburban bubble most of the time.

Check out what my friends are up to today…you’ll find the links on Kimmies blog.

This is the only kind of snow I want to see anymore this year!  Cute faced little snowmen on my side table.
I’m sitting warming up from moving more snow…this time off the roof…again. I have a big pile in the driveway..waiting for the plow to come through before blowing it all away.

Yesterday, the boy and I spent almost and hour and a half trying to get to an appt that was only 13 miles from our house. The roads were crazy due to the temperature and rate of snowfall right at rush hour. Or maybe I should say rush HOURS. The plow trucks weren’t able to keep up with it and it was a little too cold for the chemicals to properly work.  

UGH…can you tell I’m still bitter about the snow.

Ok..back to my tea…relax…deep breaths… ah that’s better.

Go see what my Tea Tuesday friends are up to today. You’ll find the links over on Kimmies blog.

My mom surprised me with a small box of “orphaned” cups and saucers last week. (ah…who is it that used that on their blog!!!)

She said…” Don’t know what you’ll do with these but I’m sure you’ll find something. Or else sell them.”

This one was in instant favorite for me. It looks like a mug but is very small in size.

I know this cup is very old. I’m hanging onto this one as is. It will find a home in my lawyers cabinet when I’m not using it.

Stop by Kimmies blog to see my Tea Tuesday friends…

I’m indulging in my new very favorite tea from Aveda.
My next door neighbor introduced me to it, which is oh so good and oh so bad.
Good because it’s so yummy!
Bad because it’s so expensive!

Like I said I’m indulging myself today.

I’m going to spend some of my tea time today with my journal. I’ve been neglecting it a bit… Okay… a lot.  (yes Elizabeth…I am using it!)

Stop by Kimmie’s blog to see what my Tea Tuesday friends are doing today…

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