Tag : tip-in

19 posts

20131013_3532I have to confess this public thank you is LONG overdue. I received this wonderful mail art postcard from Dianne at Art Beneath the Cottonwoods last month. Yes….last month. I had wanted to share it with you right away but I always ask permission before publishing art by another on my blog. Long story short…lots of emails crossing paths and who knows what…this lovely postcard got sent to the abyss called my desk.  I saw a bit of pink peeking out at me this morning…thank goodness.  Thank you Dianne!!! She will now take her rightful place in my postcard book.

20131012_3523My second thank you goes out to Elizabeth at Altered Book Lover. I received this package yesterday. I loved all the postage stamps she used. The people and cat will come in handy for more of my postage people.


The Ruth Rae book I had won a while back but had told Elizabeth just to hang on to it and send it later. I’d honestly forgotten all about it! I’m excited to have it in hand.


The collage book Elizabeth included as a birthday gift for me. Did you notice the Happy Birthday postage stamp on the package?  She and I have a standing joke about our birthdays and how we never manage to to a gift or card to each other at the appropriate time. It’s how we roll. It’s nice to have a friend that gets me that way.  ;)


Tucked inside one book was this fun Halloween tip-in. I love the stitching!!

Thank you once again to both Dianne and Elizabeth for your lovely gifts.

I have a passion for words. Quotes especially. I find myself making more and more quote tip-ins. I guess that means I’ll need to put together another book one day. 
We’ve been watching the Hatfields & McCoys mini series. 
I think that’s what brought out the photo.  It’s actually from an old Reminisce magazine. My folks used to get that one…I’ve saved some of them since they have such fun stuff inside.
Thanks to Elizabeth for the awesome handmade paper behind the photo. She makes the best handmade paper I’ve ever seen!


Bits and pieces laying around came together for me yesterday.  
Wish that happened more often.


Well, not actually me in particular…just my book. 
I decided to put together my tip-in swap book without the final player’s pages. 
It was yet another UFO in my pile that needed to be completed. It’s not like I don’t have another spot for those tip-ins when I eventually get them..right?!?! Right!
Thanks to Elizabeth for the handmade paper on the cover!!
My favorite part of altered books…how they look from the side. 
Wiggly, wonky pages. 
Love ’em!!


After feeling a bit under the weather and then having to make up for lost time on the homefront, I’m way behind with blogging. I’ll try to get caught up here in the next couple of days.  
The pages I gave a sneak peek of arrived to Jan of Dandelion and Daisy.  

Her colors were pink and orange, using either as the dominant color for each page. I love both colors so I had fun pulling these pages together.

More catching up tomorrow… with cards and gifts.

These are the last pages in the 6 person “Colors” swap that I’ve been participating in over the last 6 months or so. 
The pages will hit that mail stream today…I’ll be able to show you all of it very soon.


I can finally show the completed pages I gave a little sneak peek about so long ago. I was very behind with these and then when I actually finished them…I set them aside and forgot to mail them for a week or two. DUH!
This photo doesn’t show it that well but there is a blue-ish tint to the green giving it more of a jade color.
This second one was inspired by
an early episode of Mad Men.
Mr. Cooper’s office had an Asian theme.
He had this great bamboo plant in the corner near the window. This is my interpretation.
I added words from a fortune cookie to get a little red into the page.

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