Tag : treasures

11 posts

I’m not going to lie…this post might just give you motion sickness from how all over the place it will be.

I guess we’ll go with chronological. Mr. G was tasked with creating some trophies that he’d 3D print at work for the company go-kart racing day. He said I could paint them up so we got to go shopping at the craft store!

These were printed on a resin printer so they are quite smooth and would take spray paint really well.

They turned out pretty darn cool if you ask me.

I got this in the mail from my friend, Sandy.  When we were at the cabin in Idaho, we had a few drinks and she said…gosh I better quit cause I’m slurring. To which I said…You’re not slurring, you’re speaking in cursive! 

On Friday we loaded up the van to bring J to college for his second year. Mr. G picked up the horrible virus mini-me and I brought back from our trip…likely from the airplane. He was completely out of commission for nearly 4 days so Mini-me came with to help out and be my home travel companion.

Since we were in Duluth with no boys after setting J up at his apartment…we did what we love…look for seaglass.

We found a very small amount of very tiny glass. It was still fun but bigger pieces are definitely more fun.

I sat down to do a bit of art journaling yesterday. I was really feeling the need to play with paper, paint, and glue. I’m not in love with this page but it certainly felt good to play.

Today was yet another step back to the reality that summer is nearly done. I had a work meeting. It was nice to see all those faces again. After my meeting I ran to the grocery store…

Had my name tag on the whole time…duh. No wonder people kept looking at me somewhat oddly.


What are you doing today?

Over 30 years ago, I mined these lovely black rocks and since then they have resided in an old Christmas tin…such a shame. The other day I decided that I wanted to gift another rock loving gal with some of my treasured Apache Tears.

Technically they are obsidian but the ones found in this particular area of Arizona are named Apache Tears.

The Apache Tear is named after a legend of the Apache tribe. In the 1870s, a small group of Apache warriors met the US Cavalry in a battle. They were horribly outnumbered and it became clear that they could not win the battle. Instead of conceding defeat and being captured then murdered, they decided to ride their horses off the side of a mountain to their deaths. According to the legend, when the wives and children of these warriors mourned, their tears turned to stones when they touched the ground where their warriors fell. Those stones were the Apache Tears so we would always remember what happened.

My friend’s mom is waving at us from our high vantage point….likely worried we’d scare up a rattlesnake or fall from the cliff behind us. But teenagers are fearless.

I took these photos during our time adventuring around at the mine. It is honestly one of my favorite memories of my spring break trip to AZ my junior year in high school. Getting to use a small pick ax to gently tap away at the perlite unearthing the rounds of obsidian was so much fun. I can see how miners could get “gold fever” very easily.  It’s my understanding that this mine is now closed to the public. So glad I had the chance to experience it when it was available.

When I came across this glass jar, I was instantly inspired to create a lovely displayable gift. The rubber stopper is removable so she can take out the stones to admire them any time she wants. I used an old dreamcatcher earring as decoration along with a specimen tag. I plan to make another for myself as soon as I find just the right bottle again.

Hello!! I am still here. It’s been a while.

Gosh, that sounds like the beginning to a song… I’m awful with names of songs/singers/authors/actors/movies/etc…so if it is one…sorry, I’m just not going to be able to commit any brain cells to that information. I have WAY too much other pointless trivia floating around in there.

So I took a bit of a blog hiatus after mom’s passing and funeral. I just wasn’t able to “find my voice” for the blog. I think my bout of laryngitis is over now.

During my break we traveled to north to do another college visit. This one was University of Minnesota Duluth. I completely forgot to take any photos on campus likely because our tour remained inside all but one brief walk outside as a shortcut. The awesome thing about UMD is that all the buildings are connected by tunnels and concourses. You literally don’t have to step outside if you don’t want to all winter long. I’d be blissfully happy if that’s where either kid decided to go to school.

Mini-me and I did our traditional sea glass hunting. The view is lovely…

and we always manage to find treasures.

The kids and I walked down to Grandma’s (host of Grandma’s marathon that had been run just the day or two before we got there)

Both times we’ve eaten there, we’ve been seated right by this sign. Too funny! I didn’t take the obligatory beverage photo but rest assured it was there and it was of the adult variety. Why not…we were walking!

Back at home I’ve been keeping busy with gardening, driving back and forth to the high school for volleyball and some volunteer work I picked up. The choir director put out a call for anyone with sewing skills to mend the robes before they are dry cleaned to save the program some money. So far I’ve mended 20 robes. 

It’s mostly split sleeves but there have been some zippers and collars as well.

It’s all hand stitching and the stitches need to be hidden. Thank you Mrs. Wilwerding for teaching me how to sew in the 8th grade. My kid’s high school also thanks you for indirectly saving them lots of money. I’m hoping when I drop off this latest batch of 6 robes that at least some will have been taken by the others to mend.

I have been a little creative as well. Here’s a little sneak…

What are you doing today?

T stands for Tuesday_200

Finishing out 2013 with T Stands for Tuesday seems just right.  It’s hard to believe that time passes so quickly. Was it really 14 years ago that we were all worried that at the stroke of midnight the world as we know it might have ended with the Y2K scare. Mr. G and I were driving home on the freeway at the new year….since the lights didn’t go out we figured we were fine. Good thing too, since I was over 8 months pregnant. :)

J mug



I confess that there is no tea in the mug today…in fact, it’s not even mine. Big J gave Little J this mug and a bag of chocolate truffles for her birthday yesterday.  I just love that it looks like a knit sweater!








She got a snowboard for Christmas. Her and the neighbor girl have been busy practicing when ever possible.

tea gifts

Since family and friends know my love of tea on a cold winters day…and we’re having quite the streak of those right now….I received some really nice tea related gifts this Christmas.


I also had to show you that the Christmas tree is put away and my lawyers cabinet is back in place. Notice the wine sign…my next door neighbor gave it to me for Christmas! I love it! Makes me smile every time I walk through the room.

Upon closer inspection now that photos have been taken I see some of my treasures in the cabinet toppled over when we moved it. Sorry Elizabeth…your book fell down behind my red treasure box. Isn’t that always the way…you see the crazy stuff after taking a photo. :)

Before someone asks…  The carvings on top of the cabinet were done by Mr. G’s late grandma. The one on the left portrays Charles Dickens.  The middle one is of her first 3 children. And the last on top is Grandma and Grandpa feeding the birds. Aren’t they wonderful!?!!!

Tonight we’ll be having fondue and a bit off bubbly right here at home. We most likely won’t stay up to ring in the new year but it will be there waiting for us in the morning!

Have a safe and Happy New Year!!


We had a nice family get away around Lake Superior.
First we went to relatives house in Wisconsin. They just moved into a new house. We wanted to bring them a housewarming gift.  I decided on some coasters…bigger house…more guests…more need for coasters right?!?
In addition, they are also big Green Bay Packers fans.
Since Mr. G makes these great dice trays for games, we thought it would be fun to customize one a for a couple of our favorite Cheeseheads.
I think it turned out great!
After a wonderful day and night in Wisconsin, we traveled back into Minnesota to stay in Canal Park, Duluth.
Little J and I could hardly wait to start sifting through the rocks in search of sea glass like we found last year.
The sea glass from last year is in the little bottle. We definitely did much better this year. The whole family got involved at one point. It’s so addicting…like treasure hunting. In my eyes it is treasure!!!
Some of the bigger pieces…which are still smaller than a bottle cap…I’m going to attempt some jewelry.

You may (or may not) have noticed that I have not posted anything since last Wednesday. 
I had intentions of completing projects but my back had other plans. An ice pack, ibuprofen and my chiropractor have been my friends this past week.
While sitting and icing, I’ve managed to finish The Help.
I like to read the novel before seeing a movie based on the book.
 And this, otherwise not comfortable, chair my friend. It has a nice firm straight back…something none of our the seating seems to provide. 
It’s made of elk antlers and is over 100 yrs old. 
I want to recover it in something more interesting than what is currently on it. 
It was my Grandfather’s chair. 
He traded an eye exam and glasses for it with a North Dakota Congressman or Governor in the early 1900’s. 
I’ve heard the story both ways. 
Pretty neat, huh! 
It’s definitely a conversation piece!!
The reason for the doll in the chair is to show one project that I did complete.

A tiny knit hat for Rosie.
Well my back has had just about enough sitting in front of the computer.
I’ll have to go check out the rest of the Tea Tuesday links over at Kimmie’s blog later.


I’ve been all over the place lately when it comes to creativity.
I think I may have Art ADD (attention deficit disorder).
Ok…some might argue that I have ADD in other areas of my life as well but the Art ADD is self-diagnosed.
I blame the other on Motherhood. Children steal you’re ability to keep a clear running thought in your head. :) But I wouldn’t change a thing.
Anyway…these are the things I’ve done in the past week.
I papered our recycling cabinet to match the fridge.
Knitted another dishcloth on the loom

Knitted a cowl on the loom…

Miniature terrain on a recycled CD…
Another terrain piece…
And last night I started another twirly crochet scarf because my elbow was hurting from the repetitive motion of the knitting.
Crochet seems to work my wrist more and doesn’t bother me.

In addition I’ve been washing and ironing my way through a large box of old linens. Deciding what is decent enough to save and use and what I can use in my artwork. Vintage linens and fabric are part of my idea for the Postcard Challenge book.

So, yeah…definitely Art ADD.

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