Tag : yarn

25 posts

Welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday.

T stands for Tuesday

Last week I was lucky enough to stretch my birthday celebration out over several days. On Tuesday (which is one of the reasons I missed last week) I was treated to lunch with friends. We actually celebrated two birthdays. We had a great time although I never snapped any photos. I did receive this wonderful violet from the other birthday girl.


On my actual birthday. May 5th, I was running errands in the morning and picked up my free drink from Caribou…the best chain coffee shop in my humble opinion. (not affiliation…just a very happy customer)


Since it was a hot day, I decided on a cold press coffee with room for cream.


Mr. G surprised me by not only coming home early that day but also with a lovely bouquet of flowers. I have no idea what the orange ones are but they are so cool! I was really worried Marvin wouldn’t be able to resist them but he was surprisingly restrained after a few initial attempts to get to them.


The look of innocence.

I did see a very strange sight during the week as well.  I was taking J to the eye doctor when we saw the Mystery Machine from the Scooby Doo cartoon.


Stranger yet was the very old police car ahead of it. It was as if it had rolled off a movie set or something. I’d guess late 1950’s classic black and white with a single cherry light on top.  When I shared this photo on FB, my cousin suggested that perhaps they were on the way out to Paisley Park which was just another mile up the road. No clue…just one of those things that really makes you do a double take. Glad I had J to quick snap a photo for me.

On Saturday, Mini-me and I went shopping using some of the birthday coupons and specials I had received then picked up yummy sushi to bring home. It was a really nice cap to a great week of celebration.

I actually have done a bit of crafting…


I used a skein of cotton yarn to make 4 small dish cloths. I like them small so they can fit down inside skinny glassware more easily.

I’m also continuing work on the commissioned scrapbook album. I’m half done with the pages. Eventually I’ll show another little peek at it. It’s always a tough endeavor to show a scrapbook without showing photos.

I’ve got an outdoor project in mind with some leftover fireplace stone veneer I was given. Hopefully I have enough to do my plan. When the rain stops, I’ll have to lay things out and see.

What are you doing today?

Over the past few years I’ve started collecting Christmas trees. Mostly because I keep making a new kind each year but I’m not opposed to buying one at a thrift store or garage sale if it really speaks to me.

This year I was inspired by Mini-me. She had to film a tutorial for her technology class. Her group of three girls each picked a different Christmas craft and bought enough material for the three of them to each create their own.  She was inspired by this tree.

inspiration tree | Halle's Hobbies

Her version used smaller pieces of cardstock. It got very tedious for her towards the end of both punching all the scallops and hot gluing them to the paper cone. It was her punching all those pieces that had Mr. G prompting me to try my Silhouette machine again.

Speaking of paper cones…I made the cones from poster board after first seeing the price of a craft store foam version and then realizing that the foam would melt with hot glue. Glad I thought that one through before starting!!

lace wrapped tree materials | Halle's Hobbies

This tree came together really quickly.

vintage lace trim for lace wrapped tree | Halle's Hobbies

This vintage trim was in the bottom of my sewing box likely bought for some project my mom had intended to make in the 1970’s. At least it’s getting used now! lace wrapped Christmas tree| Halle's Hobbies

Isn’t it sweet. I had the tiny glass ornaments in my stash as well. All it needed was a topper. I auditioned several ideas but finally decided a star was in order.handmade star for lace wrapped tree| Halle's Hobbies

I drew a star on a piece of paper so I’d have a guide to do my bending. I used a twisted piece of 22 gauge wire. I had to “tie” the star at the crossover points “barbwire style” for stability.

The second tree (well technically it was the first one) was yarn wrapped.

yarn wrapped tree| Halle's Hobbies

I used a leftover partial skein of acrylic yarn for this one. Again I had some tiny trims in my stash to give the tree a finished look.

Nothing I love more than to use stash items! No cost…no trip to the store…AWESOME!

Tree collection | Halle's Hobbies

My humble little collection in our game area of the family room. You may be able to see both my Suess tree and cork tree. Additionally you also may be able to see the recycled Christmas card balls I made last year and the 12 days of Christmas swap book from several years ago adorning the table.

I finally finished it!! This scarf has been on the needles for far too long.IMG_0253

I knit two yarns at the same time to make this the weight that I wanted. I got three skeins of the yarn at Goodwill for $2. I still have an entire skein left. IMG_0254I  plan to wear it looped like this for a nice bulky look.

Yesterday, while eating my lunch and perusing Pinterest, I spotted an image of branch weaving. I was so intrigued that I searched for more weaving projects. Not commercial, straight laced, follow a pattern type but nice flowing, organic weaving.  I really fell down the rabbit hole on this one. I had singular focus…must weave!

I came up with a plan to use the deckle part of my papermaking mold as a frame for a loom.  Thank goodness Mr. G had made me a really good quality piece from hardwood.

I strung it with kitchen string and set to work. Of course, I never read any instructions only to realize much later that I didn’t do the stringing properly.


Oh well…cross that bridge when we get there right?


I sat with my makeshift loom on my lap and winged it as I always seem to do.


This was how it looked when I was ready to remove it from the frame. weaving3

And the finished product…  I went and broke a branch off our crabapple tree then scraped it down a bit with a utility knife. I would have preferred driftwood but that is pretty hard to come by in January in Minnesota. Everything is frozen solid.


The colors made me think of the sea so adding shells and sea glass was the logical choice.


I can’t wait to start my next one!! At least I found another use for all the yarn I’ve been collecting lately.

I’m linking up once again with Elizabeth for T stands for Tuesdaylist tea

I spent the morning with my cup of coffee preparing a list for today.  Lots of errands. I worked a couple days last week so I feel a bit behind.

This morning as I was getting my knitting bag ready, I realized I have a problem… A big one. yarn problemI can’t stop myself from buying yarn at Goodwill!!! Yikes. I buy it WAY faster than I can use it.  At least, I can say that I AM using it.

What are doing today?

It’s Tuesday again…time to have some sparkling water in my favorite glass and link up with Elizabeth for T stands for Tuesday.20140601_5021        So what I have I been up to lately?  I’ve been doing more crafting than blogging….          And more yard work than crafting. Weeding, mowing, planting and watering…  But now that we’ve had over 4 inches of rain, at least I don’t have to worry about the watering.

Now on to the random crafts…20140601_4987Here we have scarf/necklace made from my favorite tie-dye t-shirt. I finally had to give the shirt up after discovering a huge unrepairable hole.  Apparently I wasn’t ready to completely part with it…

20140601_5010I started this American Girl doll hat when Little J and I were at our camp. One of the little girls asked if she could have it when I was done. Well certainly, my dear. I used my cabbage dyed yarn and knitting loom.

Then, of course, more cards…20140601_5008 20140601_5007 20140601_5006 20140601_5005 20140601_5003I’m trying to get ahead for the Fall/Winter craft sale season.

I was going to share one more new item today but I’m thinking that it deserves it’s own post. It’s something new that I’ve never tried. I was inspired by something on YouTube. Basically to think outside the box.  That’s generally how my brain works anyway.

Stop back tomorrow and see what I’m talking about. (how’s that for a teaser)

What are you doing today??

I’m so done with Winter’s bitter cold that has been plaguing us for the past month or so.  The kids have yet another day off of school. I’m glad…crazy cold temps and wind chill today. I’m afraid the school is going to have to add a day into the schedule somewhere to make up for the 3 days they have had off due to extreme cold.

coldSo….since it was a cold day in Hell, I decided to organize. *grin*

yarnI got all my yarn into one bin.

fabricFabric into another…well, the fabric that was in random boxes anyway.

emptyAnd look at this…I ended up with an empty bin. It won’t remain empty for long.

puzzle prepI did do a tiny bit of playing with another giant puzzle while I was waiting for the washing machine to finish its cycle. It was just to darn cold to hang out down there any longer than necessary.

yo yo maI found this photo when I pulled the pictures off my camera today. Little J had set up the yo-yos I had sewn yesterday into a fancy little display and photographed them. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree I guess. :)


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