Now who can tell me what I’m referencing?
This page was created on the back of a Ritz cracker box bound into my door journal. I very rarely use this journal…in fact I had put it away in the cupboard and forgotten about it until yesterday.
I seem to do my pages about a year part…so at that rate I’ll be done with this one in about 8 years. HA!
I can’t be sure what you’re referencing, but I do know you have the answer to it right there on the page. The answer to it and to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything. :)
I know Divers and Sundry goes out of her way to find the number 42 for just the reason she mentioned. But I somehow suspect it has something to do with age.
You make this type of art look easy, but I know it takes time. I always like it when you make something like this with circles, paint splatters, and that alphabet stencil.
Great page you created and how fun to find a journal waiting for you. Your spotted white paint layer is very cool. I wanted to do a similar finish on my recent lighthouse pages but could not put my hand on any white paint (I thought surely the pixies would clean up my art cave while we were gone!) I googled the number 42 and found it quite interesting and wondered HOW 42 got to be so lucky as to have such a distinction… oxo
42 is a very complicated number it seems–no idea what you are referencing, but I like the colorful journal page!