The start of a painting

Last updated : February 28, 2016

I’ve had this vision of a painting I have wanted to do for a long time so I’m finally taking the plunge. The inspiration came from a TV show set backdrop…I wish I could remember which one.

Last night I grabbed a canvas that had the start of something else on it and began drawing.

I got the wall color blocked in before bed and did the window glass, the brick mortar and the base coat on the table so far today.

I hope to get a little more painting in today but it is VERY cold in the basement and will only get worse as the weekend wears on…we a in a deep freeze for the next few days…highs at aren’t expected to reach zero Fahrenheit all weekend and wind chills are -40F and lower.

I’ll keep posting my progress…keep in mind this is only the 2nd painting I’ve ever done. The first was a portrait…I’m pretty sure I covered over it with something else because the eyes were just too scary.

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