Wall imperfection solution

Last updated : February 28, 2016

So what’s a girl to do when she doesn’t want to repaint a wall quite yet…hide the imperfections, of course.

This first one is were my dustbuster hand vacuum formerly hung. It finally “bit the dust” so to speak. Oh man that was bad.

wall imperfection solution | Halle's Hobbies

My solution is not too shabby. Totally hides the wall anchors. It’s an awkward little section of wall anyway…might as well try to dress it up.

wall imperfection solution | Halle's Hobbies

This UGLY phone jack was truly an eye sore in the kitchen when I took down the wall phone. Just the simple hanging of the painting over the jack gave that wall a fresh new look. I didn’t even have to pound in a nail!

 Big J says the painting makes him of cells….and that’s from the kid who says he doesn’t like biology.  Me…I just like the colors. LOL

3 Thoughts on Wall imperfection solution
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    10 Feb 2016

    Well, aren’t YOU the clever girl! Really, really like these clever ways to add a bit of yourself and your art, while covering over an ugly area in your house. I also really like the one for the kitchen. Big J was spot on!

    11 Feb 2016

    Great ideas! Now those lovely paintings draw one’s eye to a beautiful spot & not an eyesore!

    ~*~Patty's Magpie Nest
    25 Feb 2016

    Your art fixes are both excellent Halle! You are very good at problem solving and giving new life to things. You made me smile that school is getting through even when the kids don’t know it ;-) oxo

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