201106/08 Wee Bit Wednesday Last updated : February 28, 2016 Blognot art at all halleday {one} how many times have you been a bridesmaid/maid of honor? I was a junior bridesmaid when I was 8, if that counts. {two} what’s the last thing your do before you fall asleep at night? Usually read or watch a little tv. {three} you just won your dream vacation, all expenses paid. where are you going? Somewhere tropical, secluded with a spa. {four} what is your favorite outdoor activity? I love hiking, especially around Lake Superior but we don’t do that often. Going for walks around here is always pleasant. {five} as a child, what did you want to “be when you grew up”? did you end up there? I always wanted to be a mom…and I am. I’m lucky to be at home full-time. My parents had “higher aspirations ” for me….’be a doctor like you uncle and grandpa.’ That was their dream…not mine. {six} what are 3 things your dream home would have that you don’t currently have? A craft room/studio, 3 car garage and a mudroom. {seven} what’s for dinner tonight? Leftovers {eight} if someone stopped by your house unannounced on a typical Saturday night, what would they find you doing? Either on our deck or watching a movie on DVD…weather dependent. {nine} what’s your average monthly water bill? About $27 nine months of the year. During summer it’s close to $40 when we water the lawn. {ten} what do you do to relax? Talk on the phone, read or make art Related PostsT Tuesday: Pillsbury Castle editionLong overdue life updateT Tuesday: another two weeks edition No Thoughts on Wee Bit Wednesday Leave A Comment Cancel Reply COMMENT AREA NAME EMAIL URL