I came back from a wonderful mini vacation to a surprise in my mailbox…
Thanks once again to Stampington & Company for choosing to publish more of my cards. Now that explains why I hadn’t gotten all of them back in the previous package. :)
I came back from a wonderful mini vacation to a surprise in my mailbox…
Thanks once again to Stampington & Company for choosing to publish more of my cards. Now that explains why I hadn’t gotten all of them back in the previous package. :)
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Congratulations! How exciting!
Congratulations! Sandy xx
I love the layers and textures in these cards, Halle!
Once again, congratulations are in order. Don’t forget to make copies of this page, for your booth, too. This will go a LONG way in showing what a gifted artist you are!
BIG Congratulations Halle!!! That certainly is a very nice welcome home. I know that getting published never gets old. YAY you!!!! oxo