Hello!! I bet you thought I forgot all about blogging. December has been full of highs and lows….none of which had me racing to the keyboard to share. Since my last completed post was December 3rd, we have a great deal of catching up to do.
December 10th I actually had a partial post written for T Tuesday wrapping up November.
T Tuesday: November wrap-up edition
I’m a little slow on the draw lately. I’m finally wrapping up November. Technically, I’m not fully wrapped up since I haven’t completed the #junkjournalnov19 prompts. But just go with me on this.
11/30 Zodiac sign
12/30 Autumn evening
14/30 Dress

As you can see I never finished the post including missing one of the days. That’s ok…I’m learning to embrace imperfection.
December really was a whirlwind. Lots of activities, snowstorms, J coming home for winter break, shopping, cooking, sewing, shoveling, cleaning, decorating and a little bit of creating.
Everything came to a screeching halt when I threw my back out on December 12th….the morning of Mini-me’s holiday choir concert…also a Thursday. This was really unfortunate because my chiropractor doesn’t work on Thursday! I always seem to break on a Thursday!
The last 2 weeks have been painful and scary at times. I’ve had an urgent care visit, 2 ER visits, 2 injections, 5 medications, an MRI, 7 days of missed work and numerous chiropractor visits…including one today.
In the end, I’m doing much better. Diagnostic tests came back good, the healing process is moving forward. My back still is easily fatigued and a bit fragile but something really positive came out of this. I’m learning to ask for help, let others do, letting go of things I can’t change and embrace the chaos.
I was just on my way to let you know I got your card when I saw that you had written. Sorry. I guess life got in the way of both our places.
That was a difficult, albeit valuable lesson to learn, dear Halle. I just hope you have good medical insurance because it seems like you have been around the block a time or two with this back. At least there is some positive news with your back. Now that you are on Christmas break, maybe you can slow down and let the “boys” and Mini take over for a change. Happy New Year and a belated merry Christmas, too.
Hope the back is better soon Halle and you have been able to enjoy the holidays so far. Hugs-Erika
Back pain definitely puts a crimp in plans. I hope you get to a pain-free place of complete recovery.
Oh my you have had a rough month-I have had major back issues too in the past-mostly when we were splitting and hauling our own firewood-for many years are only source of heat for the house-and I would always throw my back out most every season-and would last 2-3 months-good healing thoughts coming your way-hugs