Love your work in progress. I envy you as you seem to have a painting routine. Routines are hard for me as I’m just not very consistent in following them. I’d have to read that book first. It sounds very interesting. Of course, after reading it. I wouldn’t be able to alter it. Oh, such a problem. I think it would be great fun to see what you will do with it.
Bleubeard and Elizabeth
24 Jan 2015
This is going to be one wonderful painting when you are finished with it. I like the background colors. They are cool (as opposed to hot) against the spring flower.
I have one of those turning things, too. Mine is filled with tools and odds and ends. I don’t have room for mine on my table. Glad to see one that’s filled with REAL art supplies (grin).
27 Jan 2015
That last line sums up my life right now! LOL!
~*~Patty Szymkowicz Magpie's Nest
27 Jan 2015
You are off to a really lovely start Halle!
Have fun…
Love your work in progress. I envy you as you seem to have a painting routine. Routines are hard for me as I’m just not very consistent in following them. I’d have to read that book first. It sounds very interesting. Of course, after reading it. I wouldn’t be able to alter it. Oh, such a problem. I think it would be great fun to see what you will do with it.
This is going to be one wonderful painting when you are finished with it. I like the background colors. They are cool (as opposed to hot) against the spring flower.
I have one of those turning things, too. Mine is filled with tools and odds and ends. I don’t have room for mine on my table. Glad to see one that’s filled with REAL art supplies (grin).
That last line sums up my life right now! LOL! Rinda
You are off to a really lovely start Halle! Have fun… oxo