The candle is burning down…it’s time for some reflection.
Last year I claimed the word “reduce” for my word of the year. I need to ponder my thoughts on my goals and expectations of that word.
- I have made a small dent in my art and sewing supplies over the course of the year.
- I’ve lost 9 inches across my body according to the measurements at Curves but only 1lb on the scale. I guess that proves that muscle weighs more than fat.
- I’m on the fence with reducing the “stuff” in our house. We’ve gotten rid of some but added others. I think it’s a wash.
- I continue to look for ways to reduce the chemical load in our house as well as reduce our waste. “Bigbox” mentality is hard to fight against while trying to stay budget friendly. I’d say we are definitely still a work in progress with this one.
Overall I feel positive about my goal “word” of the year. I think it helped me to have a self-commitment ideal in mind…not just some arbitrary goal that I set when I’m feeling big change is needed…then poop out a few weeks into it. It could be said that “she’s got a lot of quit in her“.
All that’s left to do is kiss my sweetheart at midnight…or at least before bed since I’m sure I won’t last that long.
Have a safe and happy New Years Eve everyone!
Happy New Year to you and your family.Nicole/Beadwright
Happy new Year Halle, have a great start! Mx
Your reflection post is really special Halle and thought provoking too…
My word last year was BALANCE…I could easily work on that again this year!!!
Time really does go by so quickly…doesn’t it
Happy New Year!oxo
I swear I tried to reduce like you last year, but ended up probably gaining weight over this holiday after losing nearly 10 lbs.
As for reducing craft supplies, I think I’ve given up on that one. Seems every time I go out, I find something I want to add to my “grown”ing stash of fabric and embellishments I never seem to use. Add to that, every time I visit Sally, she gives me a big bag of “trash” I can’t seem to live without. Same for Kathy. They give me what they no longer want, and I end up having more goodies than I know what to do with, especially since I don’t seem to be making any art.
Your post showed you at least thought before you purchased, especially at those big box stores, which I agree can be the death of your checkbook, even though you think you are saving money.
Happy belated holidays.