A second look: Upcycling Projects

Last updated : April 10, 2016


Since it’s April and this month is Earth Month I thought I’d share a second look at a bit of upcycling from a few years ago.


Oct 6, 2013

Upcycling Projects


We all know how to recycle and I’m sure most do it daily. Newspapers, cardboard, glass and plastic are all readily recyclable in most cities, at least across the USA.

This is wonderful! But I’ve been really focused on upcycling lately.  Finding a new use for something that would ordinarily be tossed out.  Wine corks, bottle caps, worn out clothing, stained linens, broken plates…you get the idea.treesI showed a sneak peek of these a while ago. I made a wine cork tree last year but this time I decided to change things a bit. I used a Champagne cork cut in half for the trunk.  I think they turned out really cute.


I’ve also been using some scraps from previous projects such as the denim remaining after completing a quilt or two.  As well as the remainder of the dress shirts that I made wine bottle gift bags from.


In addition I’ve been making a bunch more cards. I’ll show more of these last two projects at a later date. The cards have much less upcycling in it’s truest sense but I am still attempting to include elements that might otherwise be considered unusable such as tiny scraps of fabric and yarn. As well as photo trimmings. I have a cigar box full of photo trimmings…they have such vibrant colors that it’s a shame to toss them out.

It doesn’t have to be Earth Day to be a little “green”. Do a little more every day to be kind to our planet. Last time I checked…it’s the only one we have. :)


If you’d like to see more recycling and upcycling projects please use the tag cloud on my sidebar.

6 Thoughts on A second look: Upcycling Projects
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    2 Apr 2016

    AHHH! A post after my own heart. I adore this and YES, I remember it. This is such a great project, and I still laugh at the mess I made of the ONE cork tree I tried to make (until I got the correct instructions from you, of course).

    Thanks for sharing this absolutely PERFECT second look on the 2nd. I love the phrase it’s the only planet we have. So true!!

    2 Apr 2016

    Love all your recycling projects, I have bags of corks down in my basement, I think I will be making some of those trees at Christmas. Have a lovely weekend, hugs, Valerie

    2 Apr 2016

    What a fabulous post with lots of ideas – being kind to our planet is so important! Hugs, Chrisx

    Erika N
    2 Apr 2016

    Your up cycled little trees are adorable! :) Hugs-Erika

    Carol L Samsel
    2 Apr 2016

    The little trees are adorable but my favorite are the wine bottle bags…they would work great for some of my herbal gifts too. The cards are great… I need to make more cards and now I know to head to the scrap fabric bag :)

    3 Apr 2016

    i don´t know which idea i like best… the wine bottle, the trees, or the wonderful Jeans quilt with the awesome frays! good idea to put them in a sheltering bag for collecting the frays in the machine. must remember that. a wonderful Recycling post! have a great sunday! xo

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