After Christmas crafts

Last updated : February 28, 2016

On Wednesday I was on a mission to get all of my errands complete before the snow then wicked cold snap was to hit. I went 11 places in just under 4 hours. Shockingly I didn’t spend a bunch of money either. I was hitting all the loss leader deals at various stores while still getting the essentials to last into next week. I wasn’t even planning on going to Michael’s but since I was just down the street from it I decided to check out the 80% off all Christmas deals.  I picked up the needed supplies to make a couple of wreaths.

Deco mesh wreaths | Halle's Hobbies

Since we are putting away all of our Christmas decor today, it was now or never next year for wreath making. So I gathered my supplies and set to work.

Deco mesh wreaths | Halle's Hobbies

I also had to find a video tutorial on the process of creating a deco mesh wreath.

This one worked for me.

What I didn’t comprehend was just how huge this was going to be!

Deco mesh wreaths | Halle's Hobbies

It became painfully obvious that the scale of the elements I had purchased would be completely wrong.

Deco mesh wreaths | Halle's Hobbies

I added some ribbon…and what appears to be a nice bow in the photo. Nope…just shoved the rest of the ribbon in there for storage until I can find someone to help me with the bow. Did I mention how much I suck at making bows!?! I called my crafty neighbor for help and evidently she lacks that skill as well. I’m thinking with the addition of a proper bow and perhaps some plastic Christmas balls this would work for an outdoor wreath.

Next I set to work on a winter themed wreath. Something to take you through until Easter.

Deco mesh wreaths | Halle's Hobbies

Did you notice the price sticker on the deco mesh…? Goodwill $2.99 and I used a 25% off coupon so it was really $2.24, sweet! The wreath base was purchased previously when I made my burlap wreath. I started out and realized that the green wire base was showing through in a very unflattering way. First I doubled the number of pipe cleaners on the base but the green still showed through. It needed to be white.

Deco mesh wreaths | Halle's Hobbies

Lucky for me, the temps were hovering around freezing yesterday so I was able to give the base a quick shot of paint in the garage.  Honestly, I’m surprised at how quickly it dried. I was really worried since the can said not to use below 55°F.

Isn’t it pretty!?!

Deco mesh wreaths | Halle's Hobbies

I was making it for a gift but it looks so good on my front door that I think I’m keeping it. Shhh…

Deco mesh wreaths | Halle's Hobbies

I love the iridescent shimmer in the mesh. Perfect match to a cold winter day.

Do you decorate for “winter” to carry through until St. Patrick’s Day or perhaps Easter?

6 Thoughts on After Christmas crafts
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    9 Jan 2016

    Wow, I missed out on ALL the sales, didn’t I? I was hoping to hit a few, but didn’t make it, since I was helping Sally for two days. And the sad thing is, I am in desperate need of glue, which I might have gotten on sale.

    Both of these wreaths are incredible. I really LOVE the white one with the blue embellishments. It speaks of winter to me.

    I bring out my snowmen pieces and sprinkle them around my home in January. I decorate for Valentine’s Day, and have even decorated for President’s Day before. In fact, I used to decorate for EVERY holiday, but now I limit it to the major ones.

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    9 Jan 2016

    Forgot to mention, that since you are on Pinterest, can’t you find a good tutorial for making a bow? I’ve never been able to make a good one in my life!

      9 Jan 2016

      In fact I did try three separate tutorials…big fat fails for me. I am bow challenged. :)

    Divers and Sundry
    10 Jan 2016

    I leave Christmas decorations up ’til Epiphany, then I used to put out wise men and star decorations and snowmen and leave those ’til Candlemas. I had decorations for Valentine’s Day and Lent and St. Patrick’s Day and Easter and…. I don’t decorate nearly as much now that the kids are grown.

    Erika N
    10 Jan 2016

    Gorgeous wreaths. You were smart to make them now and then you’ll be set for next holiday season. What fun it will be to have 2 new wreaths to put up then.

    11 Jan 2016

    Both wreaths look great and you got some good deals. Impressed at the 11 stores in 4 hours–don’t think I’ve every done 11 stores in one day before!

    I have a pamphlet on bow making–I’ll pull it out and see if it can help you with your wreath bow. Let you know…

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