AJJ: art of arts sake

Last updated : September 3, 2018

Taking time to play in my art journals has been a challenge. I’ve been suffering from bouts of extremely busy schedules followed by times of extreme sloth. No, I’m serious. I’m not sure what’s up with that but I find if my schedule or to-do list isn’t packed with stuff, I have a hard time getting motivated. I justify it to myself as “I’ve just been so busy, I’ll just sit down for a bit and __(fill in the blank)__.  These options often include a screen, but of course not a useful screen such as learning something…no, just time wasters.  Netflix, Pinterest, phone apps, iPad games. WHY!!??!!

Ok…now that I got that confession off my chest I’m ready to move on since I actually have broken my slothful ways the past two days. Taking time to create. Let’s hope it continues, shall we!

This page went together as so many of my recent. I begin with what is around me. Gluing pieces down as the mood strikes.

Next comes the color. My fingers are truly my best tool….second best being the baby wipes I use to clean them off.  As I add paint with my fingers I remember the joy this brings me. I recall why I consider art my own private therapy.  I let go. Let it happen naturally.

I honestly cannot walk away from a page with adding words. They don’t have to be mine. They can be a quote, a sticker, handwritten or stamped. You may not even be able to see them. I often will “journal spill or mind dump” on a page. Sometimes its so messy that it’s illegible. Other times I cover it up with paint or papers. Just the act of writing it out helps ground me but really what it says is no ones business but my own.

These words struck me. Not in the way they were likely meant to.  For me it was more about how creating is good for me, for my soul.

And that is a beautiful thing.

Linking up today with Art Journal Journey is Art for Art’s Sake hosted by Chris of Pearshapedcrafting.

Art Journal Journey
5 Thoughts on AJJ: art of arts sake
    20 Jul 2018

    Your pages are just so beautiful and what a gift that art journaling is so therapeutic for you! That’s fantastic! Great to see this beautiful pages with the nice quotes linked to Art Journal Journey! Thank you for playing again with us dear Halle! Happy weekend! Hugs, Susi

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    20 Jul 2018

    Art journalling soothes my soul too! Your pages are beautiful, I love how you layered all the collage pieces and adding paint with your fingers is such fun ?. Baby wipes are one of my first choices to apply paint too …lol ?. Your quote is so true! Thanks for the smiles and Happy Weekend! J ? x

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    20 Jul 2018

    I love this. I know others who write on their pages, then cover the words. Just knowing what you wrote or the mood of the piece can bring back the feeling you got when you made the piece.

    This is a fabulous spread. I love the way you create your pages. I love that you let your fingers make the paint come to life. This is a gorgeous spread filled with beauty and love. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey, too.

    Erika N
    21 Jul 2018

    Nice page Halle. I guess your muse is on summer vacation and so in your spare time you aren’t motivated. I think you managed a gorgeous page. Nice colors! Hope your muse is back soon. hugsErika

    21 Jul 2018

    It’s so easy these days to become distracted by screens! I love this spread and I totally understand your need to add words – I do try not to but mostly even if it’s just one, it has to be done! Crafting, especially on one of my journals always makes me feel good! Thank you for your entry at Art Journal Journey and for making your pages simply for Arts Sake! Hugs, Chrisx

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