Category : Kitchen

90 posts

This is definitely not a new craft…but it was a new one for me. I hang on to all our old cards. They are so pretty I can’t bear throwing them in the recycle bin.

Of course, Pinterest played a big part in me actually creating one of these. Ah, Pinterest… How much time I spend with you… The thousands of pins we share… Time organizing and reorganizing when I should be organizing the real things in my life.


Maybe this is a better clue to the size. IMG_0051

It was created with a 1.25″ punch. IMG_0054

The green one on the left. My neighbor borrowed the blue 2″ punch. I’m curious how much exponentially bigger another one will be with that punch. Yes I’m aware I could do the math…but I’ll just give it a whirl in the physical dimension and compare. Results to follow…soon.

Unless I’m crushed under all the Christmas goodies I’ve been making…treats2

These are just from this morning. I’m getting a sugar rush just smelling them.

I’m getting to the point that just thinking about eating any of it just doesn’t sounds appealing. Just like when I worked at Baker’s Square when I was a teen…when you are around pies, cookies and muffins all day long…you have desire to eat any.

T stands for Tuesday_200
Hey it’s Tuesday already….seems all I’m doing with my blog is T stands for Tuesday.  I’ve got to do something about that! Although I did finally finish and post my 2014 Summer Scavenger Hunt wrap-up…so I haven’t been completely lackadaisical with my blog.

tea and aloe

By the way, did anyone notice I changed the background of my blog? I’m thinking that a little more change is due but haven’t given it any brain cells yet.

See now I’m trying to justify things for you and me…silly girl. Anyway…on to the jam!


A while back I mentioned that I’d be making some Yellow Pear Tomato Jam with these babies… I’ve only made jam once before.

cooking jam

I was skeptical at this stage as to whether the jam would ever turn out. It seemed so juicy and not thick. It definitely cooked down though.


Ta-da…the finished product.  It’s a cross between a jam and a sauce in my opinion but that works just fine for pouring over Brie for a yummy appetizer.

This is the recipe I used: spicy yellow tomato jam.  I think I’d back off on the sugar a bit or add more jalapenos and maybe add pectin to thicken it a bit.

Just got back from a 3.5 mile walk with my friend….lost my favorite stocking hat with tassels. I’m going to have to retrace my steps.

What are you doing today?

Welcome to T stands for Tuesday.T stands for Tuesday_200

Do I dare say that I think our internet troubles are finally over?  We haven’t had a reboot in almost 3 days now.  Of course, we’ve hardly used the computer either since we’ve been so busy.  Where shall I start?

Apples….Phil and friends

We helped with the annual harvest at our neighbors house on Saturday. We brought home 6 grocery bags of apples to be processed…a fraction of the total haul from their 7 trees.

Later that evening I went to a new neighborhood edition of craft club, where I made these 4 cards as well as got my stamp on the backs of a huge stack of previously made cards. I was pretty tired from the day and didn’t really have my craft mojo going.

craft club cards

Sunday was spent with Little J in the garage processing through the apples.  They are organic so they have spots and holes so most need some trimming after being run through the peeler/corer/slicer. BIG JOB! So glad I had help this year. We ended up with about 15 gallons of apples ready for the next step.


So far I’ve made 7 quarts of sauce…

apple pie

One pie…dehyrator

An overstuffed quart bag of dried apple slices and three 8×8 apple crisps are in the freezer at the ready for future desserts. That was only about 1/2 the apples. More apple-ing today…

Last night I had a well deserved glass of wine.relaxing

Last week I finally got around to doing some creating…here’s a work-in-progress shot of a painting.


I’m a little late with my post today as I went for a walk with a friend around a local lake this morning. 4.25miles.  It was a little brisk at times but as long as you keep moving it helps keep you warm.

What are you doing today?

Between our CSA and our garden, we’ve had a plethora of beans. I was afraid we might not be able to eat them all before they were past their prime. My neighbor had made some spicy beans last year and raved about them. I borrowed her Blue Ball recipe book and got to work.spicy beans

They look pretty…I guess time will tell how they taste. I modified a recipe from the book as far as the spices and such.  I used cayenne, garlic cloves and red pepper flakes to season the green and wax beans. Makes me want a beverage just thinking about it.

I’m not sure how but I completely forgot to share this with you.

It was about a month ago… Our freezer was having an issue, which later turned out to be not a big deal. Thank goodness Mr. G is also Mr. Fix-it. In the mean time I totally panicked and sourced dry ice (and a lot of it) to keep our 200lbs of beef in the freezer from becoming the largest neighborhood BBQ anyone has ever thrown around here.

Long story short…the freezer was back up and running in short order and we had 100lbs of dry ice to play with.  Since we weren’t throwing that BBQ after all, we had no need of a fake smoke cloud to roll from the garage.  Still was fun to pretend.


We searched out “fun things to do with dry ice” and found you can make ice cream. Sweet! No pun intended.

We used my trusty Kitchen Aid mixer. It was the one thing that I wanted when we got married. Now 20yrs later…I’m glad I insisted we make that purchase…I use it all the time.


We weren’t really sure exactly how to make the ice cream and as you can see…we had a little trouble. The dry ice wasn’t crushed quite as fine as it should have been. This created very large bubbles as the solid carbon dioxide sublimated.  In the end, it turned out perfectly.


The yummiest vanilla ice cream we’ve ever had!!  In fact it was so good we decided to make more the next day…


We made another batch of vanilla, chocolate and my personal favorite…strawberry!  We had fresh picked strawberries from the my in-laws garden…oh yum!

It’s certainly not an inexpensive way to make ice cream but if you’ve got some extra dry ice sitting around…it’s a great way to use it!

I was cleaning the closet the other day and came across a seriously old unfinished project. Something I started back in the 1990’s…at first house…when I had a strawberry theme in my kitchen. I considered donating the 6 towels and let them be a project for someone else. I have a hard time “throwing in the towel”…pun intended… on a project once I start. 20140706_5787Way back when I started these I finished one right away and started the embroidery on the second.  My trouble was that the fusible web I used was so darn sticky that I had a heck of a time getting my needle through. Frustration level high!!20140706_5788Machine stitching was my only choice even if it wouldn’t match.  I decided that my dishes really won’t care…so I won’t either.

Good morning…welcome to T stands for Tuesdayshrub mocktail

Today I’d like to share my new refreshing summer drink with you….in my favorite glass, of course. I love this glass so much.  Recently I had a nightmare that I broke the top off it in a wickedly jagged form…I was very happy to wake and realize it was just a bad dream.

So what’s in the glass?? It’s a shrub or drinking vinegar.  Ok…not as gross as it sounds. In fact, quite tasty. The first I ever heard of a shrub was from Kim over at art in red wagons.  Recently, I’ve started out the morning drinking a tablespoon or so of raw apple cider vinegar in a glass of water usually with a touch of honey or molasses.  I know…a little wacky but I like tart flavors and the health benefits are great.

This brought me back to thinking about a shrub…then we got our first CSA box this past Wednesday.  Not a whole lot in it since our growing season has been less than ideal so far. The was rhubarb though. I’m the only one in the family that likes it. I started searching recipes on Pinterest and a shrub recipe appeared. shrubMaking a shrub is not an exact science. Here’s what I did.

I chopped approx 2 cups rhubarb and a half dozen or so organic strawberries into a glass bowl.  Then sprinkled 1 cup of sugar over top and shook it around to coat. This mixture went in the refrigerator overnight to macerate.

I poured everything into a clean dry canning was approx 2/3 full at this point. I then filled the jar to the neck with raw apple cider vinegar. I labeled it and let it sit on the counter, giving it a shake everyday. The recipes I found said to let it sit for a week before draining off the liquid and storing it in the fridge but I was very anxious to try it.

Making the shrub is very simple. I poured approx 1/4 glass of shrub syrup over ice then filled the glass with club soda. It was slightly tart, slightly sweet and bubbly. Very refreshing.

What do you think? Would you try this? Does it sound appealing at all?

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