Category : Kitchen

90 posts

This is going to change my life…seriously. I didn’t believe it until I tried it myself.oil cleanerDid you know the best way to clean that nasty caked on grease from the top of your fridge or other surfaces in your kitchen is with oil!! fridge top cleanI don’t have a before picture since it would have been seriously embarrassing.

Here’s a small example of what the top was like…eww...greaseexcept think 10x thicker….ewwwwww!

I dipped a paper towel in a bit regular vegetable oil and wiped across the icky grease.wipeOk, now your thinking well yeah it looks great because there is a film of oil on top.

But check this out…BAM...cleanTotally clean…smooth…shiny…awesome.seriouslyAmazing…right!?!

After cleaning all of the items on top of my fridge in the same way I now have the prettiest fridge top in town. clean and prettyI did end up using a Pampered Chef scraper in a few spots with the oil where it was really stuck on.  Again….ewwww.  But now that I know this trick I plan to wipe it down on a much more regular basis so it doesn’t get to that stage again.

So glad you came to visit today for T Stands for Tuesday where we share a beverage and a little something from our week.

breakfastI’m doing my best to eat a healthy breakfast each morning. It takes some time and effort but I think it’s worth it. Fuel for the day. Today is 2 eggs scrabbled up with yellow pepper, onion. tomato, mushroom and spinach with a little bit of jalapeno salsa for kick. Only 265 calories.  I couldn’t even eat the last 2 bites!

bookWhile eating I skimmed through this library book. Truthfully, I’m not sure that I got much from it. However, I was reminded of a technique that I have yet to try. Printing on tissue paper with a printer. I have to see if our old printer still has ink since it has to be a straight feed printer not the kind that loops the paper through. *Fingers crossed for ink.*

Jan 20 journalYesterday, I worked in my kira-kira journal a bit. I had started cleaning up my desk and the journal sucked me in. Or perhaps it was just procrastination.

changeChange is a theme that we are seeing a lot around here. We are making some healthy changes in our life…slowly. Our children are changing into young adults. I’ve made the change of working very part-time after being a SAHM home for 13.5 years. We are wishing for the weather to change to Spring.

Change can be scary…or exciting…or devastating…or uplifting. Change can be methodically planned or come up and smack you in the face. One can embrace change or flee in terror or perhaps slip into denial about it. But change is an integral part of life. I’m choosing to embrace these changes and am looking forward to what it will bring to our lives.

Wow…I guess a healthy breakfast gave me a mental boost as well!! I don’t usually get so deep and introspective in the morning.

What are you doing today??

For the second day in a row, my kids have the day off due too dangerously cold temps. They are thrilled. Me…not so much. I am thankful I don’t have to worry about them getting frostbite while standing at the bus stop but keeping them from fighting and away from screens is a challenge when I can’t just throw them outside. :)

breakfast tea

I made myself a sandwich for breakfast today alongside my red rooibos tea. I tend to have non-traditional breakfasts. I need to have protein in the morning otherwise I can feel my blood sugar get all wonky.

sew what

Since hanging out in my basement art space isn’t an option, I’ve been back at the sewing machine.  I just love patchwork!

Next I’m going to check out the T Stands for Tuesday link list on Elizabeth’s blog.

What are you doing today?


The turkey is thawed and about to go in the oven.  My mom is coming today to celebrate Christmas with us.  The house is all decked in Christmas decor so I thought I’d give a little glimpse into my world.


We bought a new tree last year on clearance. It’s taller and thinner than the old tree. I let the kids do the decorating this year. They selected all their special ornaments…mostly ones that they’d made in school. It’s a very homespun tree this year.


The presents are all wrapped and under the tree. Once again I drive the kids crazy by not putting their names on the gifts.  I use a new system each year to keep track. This year it involves washi tape.  The names will be on the gifts Christmas morning.


Seasonally, I tend change up this side table in our family room game area.


Little J has been hard at work creating mini star books as ornaments for our twig tree.  You can see one of my treasured Nisse Dolls in the background. They are basically Norwegian elves.


A little closer look at my part of my tree collection.


And the smallest poinsettia I’ve ever seen. It’s real!! One of my brunch guests last week brought them for each of us. It’s so cute!!

gingerbread house

And last but certainly not least is the gingerbread house that I baked up yesterday. I free hand cut the pieces and miraculously they fit pretty good. Nothing so bad that a little royal icing couldn’t handle.  Little J and daddy did all the decorating. It looks awesome!!!!!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

spritz treatsIt feels as if it’s been non-stop production this weekend. In realty, it wasn’t. I was taken out by a toothache. It had started early in the week but hit the pinnacle of painful yesterday evening.

Today it seems to be better…quickly knocking on wood…but I’m sure a visit to the dentist is in order.

Under the piles if bugle bells and peanut butter on ritz dipped treats are white chocolate dipped pretzels.

Needless to say…I won’t be indulging on these sweet treats. But seriously…I didn’t need a bum tooth to make me stop…or did I?


Thanks for joining me for another edition of T stands for Tuesday brought to us by Elizabeth at Altered book lover.

Today is my typical kind of Tuesday…busy, busy, busy. I always make time for a good breakfast though. Poached egg on toast is my favorite. With coffee, of course.


Today though I have a bit of a different schedule. I have my job orientation! I’m very excited to be starting this new phase of my life.

Over the past week I’ve been very domestic. I cooked a pie pumpkin that yielded 7 cups of pumpkin puree. I’ve made 2 pies, 2 large loaves of pumpkin bread and a batch of pumpkin chia pudding.


I’ve also been sewing quite a bit. I’ve been upcycling some stained or torn vintage linens. As well as using up scraps for additional projects. More on all that in a later post.

vintage linens

Miss Gracie has been keeping me company, that is when she isn’t busy watching for critters out the window.


I’m off to start my day now but I’ll be back later to visit all my blogging friends.

What are you doing today?


Ok…it took me three rounds to to notice my mistake.  Do you see it?


Here’s a clue…


We all learned in school that hex means 6, correct?!

And now lets count together…


 Like I’ve said many times…I’m pattern challenged.

I think watching TV while crocheting isn’t the best idea to begin with but I can’t blame it all on that. Maybe next time I’ll try and easier pattern…and learn to count more accurately.

I’m not giving up and starting over. I’ll just have a pentagonal dishcloth. There’s nothing wrong with that. If a Pentagon is good enough for the U.S. Military…it’s good enough for me and my dishes.

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