Category : Kitchen

90 posts

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What’s a girl to do when she has a bunch of boring white cotton yarn?

Dye it of course.

I used a batch of red cabbage dye that I saved in the freezer from dyeing eggs.

I decided  to use some crochet skill to try out a dishcloth.

I love that the yarn isn’t a solid color. Some people would look at that as a flaw but I think of it as a bonus.

I made up my own pattern. Frankly, it looks like a thick doily to me.

I’m not sure how the color will stand up to repeated washings but who cares! It’s a dishcloth after all.

Next I’m going to attempt to follow an actual pattern. We’ll see how that goes…since I seem to be pattern challenged.

PS…it’s snowing here again.




I decided to get brave and try making sushi at home after having been to a sushi party at a friend’s house.  I was able to get a lesson in making a roll as well as good advice on purchasing the fish and making the rice.



I picked up the equipment I needed this week such as the bamboo mat for making rolls.



The process definitely gets easier once you’ve made a couple rolls. I’m sure it’s like any skill. It must be practiced and honed to get it right.


Between the wasabi and the radish sprouts in this roll it was REALLY spicy. Clears out the sinuses, that’s for sure.


Of course since I’ve never done this before I had no idea how much to make. Yeah…I definitely made way more than we could eat.

We called up the neighbor to help us eat some.  I’ll certainly try it again but will make much less and try some other ingredients for fillings.


Monday was a “stay home” day for me knowing that the rest of my week was much busier. I made my list and got started as soon as everyone was out the door.

I spent more than half the day working in the kitchen. First was my dad’s recipe for Whole Pea Soup, so much better than split pea. Although finding dried whole peas is very difficult in the stores.

Next I started a batch of homemade bread, a recipe from my friend Sandy. I believe it was her grandma’s recipe.  I changed things a wee bit and the loaves still turned out really good.

While the bread was rising I stirred up a batch of pumpkin muffins from the Betty Crocker cookbook with some healthy substitutions. The recipes call for it to be in bread loaves but I just adjusted my time a bit. 20130225_1452

My last goodie before getting dinner prepped and in the oven was some Chewy, No Bake Granola Bars. They are so yummy! I put chocolate chips on half the bars since I’d rather have them plain. My photo was an afterthought as I was wrapping them up for individual servings.

They are so good!!!

I like domestic days…feels good to make things that are healthy and provide homemade, non-processed food for my family.

Let me just start by saying, I am not a baker. I’m not good at it nor do I enjoy it. But my kiddos think that mom’s homemade cakes and especially my frosting are the best.

My cakes are generally lopsided. I blame the oven, but it’s very likely my fault.

This cake came to be because the first one I made broke into about 7 pieces when I was taking it out of the pan.  I nearly cried…

Did I mention I don’t like baking…?
I made a whole new cake this morning. I left it in the pan until I was sure it had “set” so to speak.
This one came out in one piece..thank goodness.

I decided to use some of the chunks of cake to create a hill for the freshly washed Army men to make their stand upon.

This was also good to help camouflage the lopsidedness of the cake.
Since I was adding crumbly cake to the top and trying to frost it as well I needed something to cover my mistakes. Crushed up graham crackers fit the bill.  It looks a bit like sand or at least some rugged terrain if you use your imagination.

I hope he likes it…

I do know that it tastes better than it looks. :)


I know I don’t usually offer recipes but I had to since I am completely in love with these tasty treats.

They wouldn’t be considered a “work of art” but they definitely look as good as they taste.

To say that there is a recipe for these is really stretching it but here is what you need and how to make these tasty treats that you’re going to love to eat but hate that you can’t stop…or is that just me?

almond bark

Melt almond bark in a double boiler
Dip end of Bugle in almond bark
Press M&M into the bark covered end of the Bugle.
Set on wax paper or other non-stick surface such a silicone mat on a baking tray until they have hardened. If you are in a hurry you can pop them in the freezer for a few minutes or set them in the cold garage like I usually do. Gotta love winter in Minnesota!

That’s it!! So simple, so yummy. Sweet and salty all in one.

I’ve been blessed this week with some wonderful gifts from some wonderful ladies. 
First I got this wonderful little journal from my dear friend Elizabeth

She knows I have a fondness for pink, so she was sure to include many splashes throughout.

It truly was a gift from the heart…
Thank you so much Elizabeth. 

Next my mom made a nice big batch of sandbakkles
They are a traditional Norwegian cookie. 
The kids are loving them.

Yesterday I met my knitting group for lunch. 
Afterward I was given this yummy plates of goodies for the kids by our “teacher”. 
How sweet is that?!? No pun intended.


I’m showing my age with that quote. 
Remember the show  
Anyway…I do like to melt stuff. 
We have piles of crayons. I think they are reproducing in the cupboard. 
I’ve recycled crayons many times with varying degrees of success. 

Cheap dollar store variety and the free crayons from restaurants contain too much wax and not enough pigment. 
The best ones are the Crayola.
My technique:
Spray mini muffin pan with olive oil to act as a release agent.
Melt in a 230° oven for about 10 minutes. 
Cool completely.

(I set the pan in the garage overnight to harden.)

Now we have a fun, chunky set of crayons to spark some renewed interest in coloring…hopefully.


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