Category : Outdoors

117 posts

We had a garage sale which took up several days. It was very successful. Got rid of the vast majority of things that just had to go. A couple of my neighbors brought stuff as well. It was a HUGE and very eclectic sale. Sorry no pictures of the actual set up. Wish I had but it was so busy there simply wasn’t time!

Since I’ve had no time for any art lately I thought I’d at least give a garden update. Everything is growing so nicely this year. ACK…quick…knock on wood. Can’t jinx myself.

The garden box is so awesome. It holds the moisture so much better than the pots I’ve used in the past.

My herbs and lettuce are also coming along quite nicely. We’ve had one salad from the homegrown lettuce and definitely need to make another to thin it out a bit.

Next time I’ll have to show you my flowers.

The sun finally came back out and it warm and dry enough to plant my new garden box!

I have 5 tomato plants this year:

  • 3 yellow pear shaped (from saved seeds)
  • 1 heirloom apparently striped traded with a friend for a little yellow plant
  • 1 purchased Big Boy plant

We planted 3 kinds of peppers, chives, french thyme, basil and green onions. Although I don’t have much hope for the onions.

Marigolds are planted along the front edge of the garden to try to detour the bunnies and deer from snacking.

As in previous years, I  have more herbs in containers on the deck as well as this year’s experiment, bib lettuce.

The seeds I started a while back are coming along quite nicely. Not everything sprouted, just as I suspected. That’s fine. The plants that I really wanted did. I’ll have to buy a couple small red tomato plants and a couple peppers. Or possibly trade someone for other plants. We’ll see…

I’ve been wishing for a planter box along the deck. My husband finished it up this past week. We are hopeful that it will produce more on the plants than my old container garden. The cedar lumber and weed block that lines the box cost us nothing, which is awesome! We did have to purchase dirt, of course.

I’ve been setting my seedlings outside for a few hours a day to get them used to being out in the elements. I’ve never tried that before but heard that it’s a good idea.

I’m going to be really interested to see what colors the petunia seeds produce. I’ve heard that collected seeds from hybrids don’t always produce the color of the parent plant.

So far we’ve planted:

I plan on starting some more seeds but ran out of little recycled containers and my helper ran out of patience. :)

All of these seeds are ones I’ve collected from last years plants. It should be interesting to see what actually germinates.

Once again, I ate the first of them before even thinking of taking a photo.

I love my little container garden. It’s so awesome to just step outside to collect fresh herbs for my recipes.

Next year I hope to have a small garden next to our shed. Then I can try growing new veggies.

These are a few of my herb plants.

They were started in yogurt cups on my grow cart in the late spring.

As were these yellow pear shaped tomatoes from saved seeds from last season.

I also saved marigold seeds about 6 years ago…who knew they’d still grow!

I have more flowers in pots and in the ground here and there but these I am most proud of since I propagated them myself.

Just playing a little with another macro shot of the tiny little bee I captured with my little Coolpix camera. I’m so impressed with it’s macro ability. I sat real still and slowly moved the camera within a few inches of the little bee while he was sipping nectar.

The second image I used some of my custom brushes to create subtle impressions in the background. I absolutely love playing in Photoshop.


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