T Tuesday: cold collage edition

Hello and welcome to a snowy and cold edition of T stands for Tuesday. We were lucky enough to have a two hour late start for school Monday morning. It still remains to be seen what will happen later this week as the Polar Vortex invades Minnesota. We might end up with a “cold day” instead of a “snow day”….it’s happened before. If it does I’ll have plenty of time to continue making my mini collages. I can’t STOP!!!!

I honestly can’t stop…I have a quart baggie filled with them already.

It seems like the more frayed and full of strings the more I love them.

These ones will work quite nicely for a Christmas theme.

These are a bit more subdued in color scheme. So fun!!

I began to write this post before work this morning since we had our two hour late start. Right at the end of the school day we got the news that we are off for at least the next two days!!! They are watching the temps for Thursday as well. I’m so happy!!! The thought of being out in that cold and trying to start my vehicle in -30°F (-34.4°C) temp after it has been sitting out in the -50°F (-45.5°C) wind chills (or lower) made me want to cry. Instead I’ll be home drinking lots of tea….
while exercising my creativity. :) And probably some Netflix. LOL
What are you doing today?
19 Thoughts on T Tuesday: cold collage edition
    28 Jan 2019

    I saw on the news that you were going to get some really cold weather. I think it was smart the school has closed for a couple of days. Lucky you to stay inside and make more of those fun mini collages. happy T day Halle.

    Linda Kunsman
    28 Jan 2019

    Now THAT is cold!!!! They close schools here for extreme cold too-even though it doesn’t get as cold as what you get. Love all the collaged,sewn fragments. Enjoy the extra free time, and happy T day!

    28 Jan 2019

    So glad you don’t have to venture out in these bitter cold wintry days. I am in Missouri and we are getting some of this bitter cold too-but not as bad-thank goodness I worked for the phone company so we had to come to work no matter what-that was back in the day when then needed us operators lol love your collages-looks very fun-enjoy your stay at home Happy T Hugs Kathy

    29 Jan 2019

    Love those stitched collages, great! Stay home if you can when it’s so cold! We saw it on our news over here, too, brrrrr! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    29 Jan 2019

    Sounds so very cold and hot drinks are a must on those sort of days I’m sure

    Just love your mini collages and it makes me want to sort through my scraps and make some. Thank you for the inspiration

    Have a really Happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

    29 Jan 2019

    Wonderful mini collages – wow! Keep warm Halle! Happy T-Day! Susi

    29 Jan 2019

    It sounds really cold weather for you where you live and super that you have home days and don’t have to drive thin the cold conditions. I love your mini collages, I think they will be useful for many projects as well as looking good as they are in the original piece. Happy T day wishes Halle . Yvonne xx

    29 Jan 2019

    Your artwork looks great. But those bitter cold temperatures sound awful. I have an arctic blast coming, but nowhere near as bad as you. Happy T-Day!

    29 Jan 2019

    i totally understand you have that “can´t stop” virus – i currently have it, too:) better than another one;) great results!! happy t-day!

    29 Jan 2019

    Even here is CA we have been watching the weather in your area. Those wind chill temperatures make us shiver. I remember them, from when I was a kid in ND. I can see where it would be hard to stop making those darling collages. Hope you stay INSIDE where it is warm and cozy, and don’t have to go out into those extreme temperatures. Happy T-day

    29 Jan 2019

    Polar vortex – that’s sounds brutal, Halle. I never knew the name, but I remember temperatures of -30 F in Milwaukee growing up.

    Not one but two cold days – woohoo! Your mini-collages are lovely. Will you use them in larger pieces eventually? Keep warm!!

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

    Lisca Meijer
    29 Jan 2019

    Oh boy, that sounds really cold! I’m glad you don’t have to venture out in that weather. Your little collages are awesome! I love them. Now I want to go through my scraps and get my sewing machine out and do some too. What a fantastic idea. Happy T-Day (and happy two days off work!) Lisca

    Divers and Sundry
    29 Jan 2019

    These mini-collages are such a treat, and I see why you can’t stop making them :)

    The Polar Vortex is bringing us lows in the 20s and highs in the 30s, so I’m counting my blessings I’m not much further north. Brrrrr!!! But I’m staying in, coz it feels cold to me lol Your plan for the day sounds like one that’ll suit me :) Happy T Tuesday

    Lisca Meijer
    29 Jan 2019

    I have now learnt that one cannot do comments on an ipad, so I apologise for all those occasions that I appear not to have commented (I always do, eventually) and from now on I will use my desk top computer even if it means being a day late as we are always away on Tuesdays. Lisca

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    29 Jan 2019

    Wow, I’m loving your amazing collage pieces! You really put all those fabrics to good use and they look really versitile – just perfect for for cards, canvases and journal pages ?. Glad you are having so much fun creating them, I can’t wait to see more and how you may use them too! Happy T Day! J ? x

    Kate Yetter
    29 Jan 2019

    Your mini collages are gorgeous! I bet they are fun to make and make an even better addition to your art. Enjoy your time off. I dislike snow days as they mess up my schedule. But I hope you enjoy several warm days at home drinking lots of tea. Happy Tea Day, Kate

    Sharon Madson
    29 Jan 2019

    I love your mini collages! So fun! Enjoy your tea and stay warm! Happy T Day!

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    30 Jan 2019

    Thank you for joining T yesterday. I’m so pleased you showed up, even though I was unavailable. Please check my Wednesday post I still haven’t written to see where I have been. I’ll be back soon to visit and see what I have missed. For now, just be aware, I am so grateful for your visit and continued support of T Tuesday, Halle. I take it they canceled school??

    30 Jan 2019

    Your collages are an absolute treat to see! We have seen on our news about the low temperatures you are experiencing and the problems it causes….enjoy your indoor time! Belated Happy T day, Chrisx

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