Fall favorites

Fall is my favorite season. The crisp mornings. The gorgeous colors. The rustle of leaves. I really do love it all.

I love my morning walks. However this morning was pretty cold. It was 22°F and I’m sure the wind chill made it feel even colder. My face was stinging a bit after only a mile.

I have been trying to get back in the groove of being creative on a more regular basis.

I made this wreath using much neglected supplies. It turned out really cute…of course, you know what a sucker I am for those fall colors.

I also made a junk journal for a dear friend. I have several more in various states of completion waiting for the inspiration or motivation to finish them.

Mr. G and I went to the arboretum one afternoon and enjoyed the walking trails. Most of the flowers were past their prime with the exception of these beauties. The bees were loving them as well.

The cool evenings also give way to having toasty bonfires with the neighbors. A few adult beverages were consumed around this mesmerizing fire.

I couldn’t leave you without a picture of my buddy Marvin.

I also wanted to share that my 3 month follow up tests are looking great. My oncologist is very pleased. Another set of tests in 6 months. I’m thrilled that things are going so well. My eyelashes are growing back, my eye isn’t nearly as dry as it was, things seem to be healing really well!

9 Thoughts on Fall favorites
    Kate Yetter
    31 Oct 2023

    So glad to hear that you had a good oncology appointment. Your wreath is gorgeous! Hard to believe that you made it from neglected supplies. It looks like those flowers were all made to be together. Happy Tea Day, Kate

    31 Oct 2023

    Catching up. I wasn’t aware of your eye condition but went back to see what happened. I’m really happy the treatment has been a success for you,

    You have a wonderful place to walk. I can nearly hear those crunchy leaves.

    31 Oct 2023

    So glad to hear you are on the way to recovery, that’s great! Love your autumn photos. Your journal is fabulous, too. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    Divers and Sundry
    31 Oct 2023

    I’m glad to hear things are going well for you healthwise :)

    Your fall colors are striking. That wreath is beautiful. Our temps aren’t nearly as cold as yours. It is a joy to see these last flowers of the season.

    Happy T Tuesday

    31 Oct 2023

    Good news about your health. Your wreath is gorgeous and the journals are wonderful. Marvin is such a cutie. Happy T Day

    1 Nov 2023

    Oh yes, fall is a wonderful time – the colours of nature are so different and the sun, when it shines, makes a wonderful light. Have a good time and all the best Violetta

    Erika N
    30 Oct 2023

    It’s good to have you back for T day Halle. And even better that you have some good news to share. Plus it’s good to see Marvin too. I’m guessing by this point the kids know, and I hope they are OK too. It’s fun to see your autumn, and I hope you have a super T day and week ahead too. hugs-Erika

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    31 Oct 2023

    What good news about your condition. I am sure you will come through this with flying colors.

    Autumn has truly arrived in your part of the world. Temp here Sunday night was 22 F, too. It is bitterly cold for this time of year.

    LOVE your junk journal. Marvin is looking great as ever. Gorgeous bee shot. Thanks for joining us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    31 Oct 2023

    What good news about your condition. I am sure you will come through this with flying colors.

    Autumn has truly arrived in your part of the world. Temp here Sunday night was 22 F, too. It is bitterly cold for this time of year.

    LOVE your junk journal. Marvin is looking great as ever. Gorgeous bee shot. Thanks for joining us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    Forgot to mention how much I LOVE that wreath. Stunning.

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