Joyful journal

I was battling the cold whilst creating this page. Usually when it’s cold in my basement art space, I tend to go for warm colors. This was not the case. I was embracing the cold with lovely cool tone colors and texture like snow.

joyful journal page

I felt the colors around the edge resembled a cold winter night with the moonlight reflecting off the snow.  I’ve always wished I was a landscape painter…which I am certainly not…but I do give it a whirl from time to time.

I left a light space in the middle and pictured a grove of evergreen trees at the edge of a lake. The boughs heavy with new snow.

joyful journal page

My vision didn’t quite come to fruition but it’s not as bad as it could have gone. (glass half full) 

The words weren’t what had originally thought I’d use. I had words of silence and peace…the sweet silence of freshly fallen snow. If you’ve ever experienced it, you know what I’m talking about.

joyful journal page

This thought made me feel joyful! It’s always good to celebrate even the most simple things in life. Fresh snow, a creative muse, birds in the trees, bunny tracks through the snow…

Linking up today with Art Journal Journey for Let’s Celebrate

Art Journal Journey
6 Thoughts on Joyful journal
    28 Dec 2017

    A wonderful spread – I know what you mean – my pages often turn out completely different to what they were intended. But it turned out AMAZING and fits the “Let’s Celebrate” theme over at AJJ perfectly! Thank you for joininf AJJ Halle! I wish you a Happy New Year!

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    28 Dec 2017

    This is fantastic, Halle. The spread looks just like a grove of evergreens laden with snow. It’s a genuine beauty and perfect for Art Journal Journey, too. Thanks for sharing it, and I sincerely hope you feel better soon. Seems illness is going around.

    Erika N
    28 Dec 2017

    Joy to you too. I do love these blue colors on your page. Hope you are having a nice break from school. But this arctic blast of cold is a little too much for me. I think you have it also. We’re at -25 with wind chill. Brrr. Hugs-Erika

    Divers and Sundry
    28 Dec 2017

    I know that silence and peace that comes from a fresh snow, even though we don’t get much snow here. I love your call to take joy in and celebrate the simple things. I find happiness in just that :) I feel the cold in your colors and love your snowy evergreen trees.

    sheila 77
    28 Dec 2017

    You’ve captured a cold, cold scene beautifully. I love the blues, and the trees covered in snow. And I love the things you listed at the end to celebrate – especially the bunny tracks through the snow and birds in the trees. Thanks very much for joining in with the Celebration at AJJ.

    Cindy McMath
    2 Jan 2018

    Hi Halle – this spread is gorgeous! I read a bit of your blog and see you are back to work full time. It does cut into the art time but I’m glad you’re also finding it rewarding. Take care and thanks for dropping by my blog – I hope I can manage this 365 challenge. :)

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