I have finally gone beyond just the standard dishcloth project.
Not that I won’t be making more of these but now I’ve been experimenting a bit.
I made a slight bigger doll hat and am planning a matching scarf.
I wanted more of an elf hat look for this one so I came up with my own “pattern”. The “pattern” is still a work in progress. :)
Now I’m working on this new stitch on my loom…
Looks like popcorn to me!!
Since Pinterest has gotten so big I’ve decided to start labeling my photos so that if they are “pinned”, the credit goes to me.
Don’t get me wrong….I love Pinterest, but I also want to make sure I get credit where credit is due.
Not a part of Pinterest yet…need an invite? Let me know in a comment.
Wow Halle! These hats are adorable! Yes, it is a good idea to link your pins…you deserve to have the credit for your creations!Happy Monday! It’s gorgeous here in Kansas today! The wind sounds like the ocean rolling gently and our birds are extra happy today.
STILL not a part of Pinterest. Have no idea what it’s about except I hear it’s a time buster. I guess it doesn’t take long to label photos, but I find it SO distracting. I can’t possibly understand why ANYONE would want to steal a photo, when anyone I’ve ever asked has given me permission to use theirs.
Cute hats. Hope you are starting to feel better.
your knitting is such fun Halle
wish I knew how to watermark my photos…it’s a great idea
Pinterest is a bit odd I find as not all of the things they pin link directly back to the creator
So cute…and it does look like popcorn! LOL!