Late start for plants

Last updated : April 10, 2016

seed starting | Halle's Hobbies

I can’t believe how late I am this year starting my seeds. I usually start them around St Patrick’s Day. Somehow it slipped my mind that week then the next was a disaster of monstrous proportions when Murphey stopped by and overstayed his welcome.

seed starting | Halle's Hobbies

I settled on two kinds of tomatoes and green onions this year. At least for now.  I’m not ruling out starting a couple more things. Last year my small starter plants didn’t fair well once transplanted so I’m not sure if it’s worth the time and effort,

seed starting | Halle's Hobbies

I decided to try planting my green onion seeds in egg shells this year. For one…they are so cute! And secondly, I can just slightly crush the shell when planting the sprouts in a bigger container instead of trying to move those spindly little onions one by one. Experimentation is always fun.

seed starting | Halle's Hobbies

I’ve been saving my larger plastic containers for transplanting the tomatoes out of the disposable cups (which BTW I’ve had on hand for ages!! Not terribly “green” but they are a necessary evil when hosting a large crowd. ) I decided to cut up a lid and use it as plant markers. This works so much better than wooden popsicle sticks!!

Hopefully next time I share photos the containers will be sporting little tiny green seedlings.

One Thought on Late start for plants
    Divers and Sundry
    5 Apr 2016

    I’m having trouble getting my zinnia seeds to sprout this year, which doesn’t bode well lol. I may just buy tomato and pepper plants already grown.

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