Love these bird pages Halle! I adore birds, and this is so free looking! Thanks for your kind compliments too!
Bleubeard and Elizabeth
8 Apr 2010
Where and how did I miss this? This is gorgeous. I love simplicity and this spread is beautiful. And PINK, of course.
~*~Patty Szymkowicz
9 Apr 2010
Beautiful pages, that button edging is wonderful too! Did you do it with wire?Allergies are no fun, hope you’re feeling better.DH suffers with allergies and tries lots of things, his latest is to eat a tsp of local Bee Pollen and local honey twice a day … it really seems to be helping along with some allergy drops … no side effects and some relief. He also uses eye drops!Take care Halle!oxo
Love these bird pages Halle! I adore birds, and this is so free looking! Thanks for your kind compliments too!
Where and how did I miss this? This is gorgeous. I love simplicity and this spread is beautiful. And PINK, of course.
Beautiful pages, that button edging is wonderful too! Did you do it with wire?Allergies are no fun, hope you’re feeling better.DH suffers with allergies and tries lots of things, his latest is to eat a tsp of local Bee Pollen and local honey twice a day … it really seems to be helping along with some allergy drops … no side effects and some relief. He also uses eye drops!Take care Halle!oxo