New Year…New Word

Last updated : January 1, 2021

Each year I select a word to be my guide throughout the year. Some years I do better than others to keep my word in the forefront.

This year I chose Mindful.

Being mindful has a place in all aspects of life.

Mindful of the products I bring into our home.

Mindful of the words I choose to use.

Mindful of the impact I have on others and others have on me.

Taking time to be mindful of how much I consume, meaning both internally and externally. It all has an impact.

Mindful of the legacy I leave.

Give mindful thought before making commitments.


The end of the year…the decade…it should give us all pause. Time to think back on the past decade…the good, the bad and the ugly. Of course, things are already set but think of what could we do better, do more of, do less of? What has changed…10 years is a long time especially when you have kids. I came into this decade with kids in the single digits…now I have an adult, nearly 20, and another, close to adulthood.

2 Thoughts on New Year…New Word
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth-
    1 Jan 2020

    This was an extraordinary word, Halle. You put a lot of thought into it and you chose wisely, too. I’m thrilled to see how MINDFUL you are, too.

    I like how you looked back over the past 10 years, too. It was great to read how much things have changed, too. It’s been an honor to know you all these years, and I hope that continues through this next decade, too.

    Divers and Sundry
    2 Jan 2020

    Mindful strikes a chord with me, as I recommit to my yoga and exercise practice especially. And as we think of the changes that time brings, being mindful puts us in those moments as we are in them, fully experiencing them.

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