November in review

Once a month blogging seems to be my new benchmark. Times have changed. I remember when I was posting 3-5 times a week…oh, the good old days!

November has flown by with the exception of the past week when I was so very sick with a wicked virus (not COVID) that eventually turned into a sinus infection. I missed work last week…of course, we only had two days. I missed Turkey Bingo which is pretty much the most fun event we do as a staff. We postponed Thanksgiving until Saturday. GAH! What a lame week!!

Ok I’m done whining…on with the month in review.

I’ll start with a little lap crafting I’ve been doing. I saw a tutorial on YouTube making ephemera for junk journals using 6×6 scrapbook paper. I didn’t want to make ephemera but I knew this technique would lend itself very well to small size envelopes if I tweaked the process slightly. They are the perfect size for gift cards, small jewelry, stickers or anything else you’d want to gift inside. I got a little carried away when I was pulling out papers but now I have enough small envelopes to last for years!

I’ve been doing a lot of cooking and preserving this month as well.

My red cabbage sauerkraut is finally ready to consume. I’ve never tried making this before nor have I eaten red kraut. I like it and will definitely do it again.

My pressure canner is getting its use after a long time of me being too scared to use it. I canned up 13 pints of broth. Previously I’d just freeze the broth but that takes up valuable real estate in the freezer plus if you forget to take it out ahead of time, that’s a pain too.

The first batch of lefse is complete for the season.

I know I’ll make at least one more batch around Christmas. I’m going to have to try out my new griddle for the next round. I noticed that this one wasn’t heating evenly anymore. She’s 25 yrs old so I think I can forgive.

Since I was off today as well I had time to make personal turkey pot pies for us to have for dinner. They aren’t the prettiest but they are so yummy but so filling!!

Our school put on its annual Veterans Day celebration on Nov 10th. It’s always a fantastic event and I was actually able to sit in the bleachers this year to get a different view of the ceremony.

Marvin turned 9 on Nov. 11th. He had a couple extra treats and some special attention for his birthday.

My neighbor and I went on a little road trip to her son and daughter-in-law’s house who happen to live only about 35 minutes from where Mini-me goes to college. We met them for lunch in town then Mini-me headed back to college.

The rest of us went to a local winery. Its was super busy so we took a seat in the production room.

And what does this girl choose to have at a winery…a beer. It was a Minnesota craft beer. I don’t drink wine much anymore. It makes my joints hurt. Weird side effect that makes it not worth it to have any.

I went on a field trip the Monday before I got sick…I’m thinking either the bus ride or lunch facilities was the culprit of the germs. It was a beautiful day for a walk in the woods though.

The weather has definitely shifted so I am thankful the dome is back up from my morning walks. I’m thinking about signing up for a challenge that has you “walk the year”. Meaning, I’d have to walk 2024 miles next year. I think I can do it. I’d just have to push myself a little more on the weekends. So far this year without pushing myself, I’ve walked just shy of 1400 miles so far.

Back to work for me tomorrow morning. I’m looking forward to being back in a routine. Although, I can’t say that I didn’t enjoy today. I crafted, cooked, cleaned up and still had energy to blog and still feel like I had a somewhat leisurely day.

11 Thoughts on November in review
    10 Dec 2023

    Oh you did many things especially in culinaric ways. Have a good time and all the best – and thanks for visiting my blog Violetta

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    29 Nov 2023

    Sorry to read you have been sick. Glad it wasn’t covid.

    I love those little bits of ephemera. I can see lots of uses for them, too. You have made me hungry with those pies. Don’t care for kraut, though.

    Happy belated birthday to Marvin. Such a sweet face.

    Loved that you showed those vats. A great and unusual idea, even if you did drink beer. Sounds like it’s better for you, too.

    Thanks for sharing your month in review and your beer with us for T this week, dear friend. Sorry I’m so late visiting.

    Erika N
    27 Nov 2023

    Sorry to hear you weren’t feeling well Halle. It sounds like otherwise you’ve had eventful November. And I got a little lazy walking during early November with hunting season in full swing, but hopefully I’ll get back in step. And congrats on walking so many miles. You can do 2024 in 2024 I’m sure. Happy T day and week ahead. hugs-Erika

    27 Nov 2023

    walking is a great way to enjoy the autumn, isn’t it? best, mae at

    Divers and Sundry
    29 Nov 2023

    I missed T Tuesday somehow, but here I am anyway lol

    The envelopes look so fancy. Your turkey pot pies look good to me!

    30 Nov 2023

    I’m glad you are feeling better, so much so that you could also write a blogpost. Happy birthday to Mervin! He’s still looking as handsome as ever. Your pies make my mouth water! I smiled at your beer at the winery. Good that you were able to see mini-me. Is she doing okay? Hugs, Lisca

    28 Nov 2023

    I’m sorry you were not feeling well. Glad it wasn’t covid. You have been busy in the kitchen. I love seeing your canned goods. Everything looks so scrumptous. Nice to have a road trip too.

    Iris Flavia
    28 Nov 2023

    Beautiful Marvin… I would´ve taken a beer, too :-) Have a great T-day.

    28 Nov 2023

    Glad you are feeling better! Getting sick as we get older sucks. It’s much more difficult to shake it and the symptoms seem more intense. It looks like you have been busy. Your canning items look yummy, especially the cabbage! Happy Tea Day, Kate

    28 Nov 2023

    Sorry you were feeling bad, too, Halle, that’s not nice. I think I got my cold when I was on a very full bus last week, next time I will wear a mask. Your food an preserves look great. And Rotkraut! One of m fave foods, yummy! Walking is great, glad you enjoy your walks. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    28 Nov 2023

    Glad you are feeling better. The ephemera bits you made are wonderful. I bet they would make great gift tags, too. Happy T Day

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