Playful journal page

Last updated : April 10, 2016

I just went for it with this page.playful page

playful page quoteI didn’t think. I didn’t plan. I didn’t even put my apron on…which is a bummer because now I have orange paint on my pants. Did I mention I’m a messy painter?

The other day while walking OUT of the bank…which was the last stop of my errands…I discovered that I had a clump of gel medium or maybe mod podge gluing part of my bangs together.

Nice. So classy. Made me think of the “hair gel” scene from Something about Mary…  Perhaps I need to make a sign to hang on the door…”Look in the mirror before leaving the house.”  As you may have guessed I’m not a terribly vain or high maintenance kind of girl.

I’m linking up with Art Journal Journey with this post. My journal page fit their theme!  IT was meant to be!

7 Thoughts on Playful journal page
    Bleubeard and ELizabeth
    12 Apr 2015

    The first thing I saw when I woke was this colorful, VERY COLORFUL spread. It woke me, that’s for sure.

    You are a friend after my own heart. Never saw that movie, so I have no reference, but I can understand the concept. As for aprons, I’ve never worn one. It wouldn’t help when I drag my sleeves through paint though. You may have orange on your jeans, but I have paint on every sleeve I own, except for two tops I only wear for good. Often I forget to change clothes when I get home from out and about, and there goes a top.

    You should share this with Art Journal Journey, whose challenge this month is quotes and poems. It’s fun, adorable, and COLORFUL! Link to their site is on my right sidebar.

    12 Apr 2015

    Wow.. this is fabulous! A fantastic spread and I love the quote to it! Your text set a big smile on my face.. the same to me the whole time…lol!

    Welcome to Art Journal Journey Challenge! We like to have you with us! xxx Susi

    12 Apr 2015

    Beautiful journal pages, thanks for joining us at Art Journal Journey, Valerie

    Sabine Kleinmann
    12 Apr 2015

    A very nice and creative made page. I love the colors,fresh like spring. Dear Greetings Sabine

    ~*~Patty Szymkowicz Magpie's Nest
    12 Apr 2015

    Your pages look fab Halle! and that quote is just perfect too. Playing with abandon is a fun way to go I always feel.

    You made me laugh out loud with your narrative.

    Sounds like you have a nice new pair of painting pants!

    So nice to see you over at AJJ too! oxo

    15 Apr 2015

    Love your playful journal page and quote. Thanks for your visit to my blog and kind words :)

    15 Apr 2015

    beautiful journaling… and such a funny Story, that could have happened to me, too;) not really vain either…

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