Yesterday, I sat down with my idea book and planned out my story.
I have my characters names, addresses, professions and a rough outline of how I intend for the book of postcards to come together.
Of course, this morning I had a few different ideas about the eventual book will unfold but that’s ok.
The first week’s country was Austria. I decided to use a countryside setting for my postcard.
Pretty simple watercolor painting. Hopefully my skill will improve over time.
On the back Maggie writes her first note to Thadeus.
I didn’t have any stamps from Austria nor did I take the time to download any collage sheets.
I took a National Wildlife Federation sticker and cut it down to serve as my stamp.
Works for me.
great start for your postcard adventures, love your collection in the last post too, wow. I adore postcards.
Week 2 destination is now on my blog. x
Love your card and the homemade stamp… So effective! Great start
I love that you are doing that challenge . I was very tempted but I decided to use that energy for a couple other projects. I look forward to watching you.
Hi, I like the ideals in your profile. I wonder what she will learn next week?…… I keep raiding google images for stamps :)
I like the simplicty and peacefulness of your card. Wonder what type of books and drawings? Does she publish or “art journal”?
beautiful painting, looking forward to your next card Halle :)
guess what I woke up thinking about? tempted? moi?? Love the start you’ve made, this is going to be a great journey, you have such fab handwriting! Mx
I’m thrilled that you have started and have a plan. At least YOU can draw. Very impressive. I know you think it’s simple, but I see lots in this postcard. Really great job.
I love that you are doing watercolor postcards!
what a great project!it looks like an illustrated book in the making :)
I love the clean and simple style to your watercolour, and how ingenious….making your own stamp! Very cool :DXXX
love the simplicity and beauty of the watercolor. reminds me a little of Chinese landscapes with little buildings and huge mountains. Wonder what kind of book she’s writing
And the story unfolds, I love this idea and last years calendar looked interesting too!