Quick upcycle project

It never occurred to me that today was St. Patrick’s Day…and that it’s traditional to wear green so one does not get pinched…until about 45 minutes before I had to leave….and I wasn’t even dressed yet.  You see I was subbing at one of our district middle schools today. The one that my oldest is at. I know a bunch of the kids so I thought it would be a good idea to fall into customary green attire for the day. My problem is the fact that I don’t own any green clothes…or at least not weather and work appropriate clothes.

A while back I picked up a knit shirt from Goodwill that I thought I liked. I was wrong. Not flattering…it had to go. Lucky for me, it was laying on the top of the donation box this morning.

I quickly hacked it up into chunks 6 inches wide and ran it through the sewing machine. Out came my brand new infinity scarf ready for St. Patrick’s Day.quick infinity scarfIt doesn’t show really well in the photo but I alternated horizontal and vertical stripes throughout the scarf as well as which side the seem was on…that way no matter what way it was looped it would look intentional.

6 Thoughts on Quick upcycle project
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    17 Mar 2014

    CLEVER use of a tee that was going back to the Goodwill. Glad you turned it into something useful after you paid good money for it!!

    18 Mar 2014

    Well I am really impressed–You saved the day with this upcycled scarf!

    18 Mar 2014

    Very cute!

    Divers and Sundry
    18 Mar 2014

    aha! quick thinking! :)

    18 Mar 2014

    Clever Crafty and Quick!!! always best to avoid pinches whenever possible ;) oxo

    23 Mar 2014

    Love this! clever and cute way to upcycle…which you are sooo good at!

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