Room refresh

Last updated : February 13, 2023

It’s taken me a bit and is far from complete but I have finally starting the transformation of J’s room into a sewing room. The room is very small and we plan to keep the bed in there for now so that leaves less options for layout.

This was my first layout. It was ok but far from ideal.

This is how I currently have it arranged. It’s more functional but looks awkward. I still have issues with the desk space. The only place for a glass is behind the sewing machine. You may be able to see the empty coaster there.

Truth be told, besides the bed, there is still some stuff that J has yet to move. So I am working around that as well.

I have made use of the space though. These are a few journal covers I had rattling around my head. More to come on that as I continue working on them.

Also was making use of scraps I unearthed while rearranging. Years ago I wrote an article for Sew Somerset describing my process for these mini collages. Now the junk journal community calls them clusters. I can get behind the name change but the process is the same.

This bunch took me less than 30 minutes.

I’ve also started work on a paper bag book. I haven’t made one in probably 10 years. I kind of burned out on it. However there is a baby boom around work. I thought I’d try my hand at making a few instead of the typical gift of a cute little outfit that baby fits into for exactly 57 minutes.

As you might be able to guess…we are empty nesting again. We brought Mini-me back to college for Spring semester.

When we walked into her room we were shocked that her cactus had grown with no light for a month. No water wasn’t surprising…but no light?!

I snapped a photo out the window on the most boring part of our drive. There is about an hour of basically this view after you exit the interstate.

8 Thoughts on Room refresh
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    26 Jan 2023

    Sorry I am late visiting. High winds knocked out my internet. Phone, too. I like that your new area includes a place for your iron. I have NO room for an iron in my craft room. I like your “clusters” also, regardless what others are calling them.

    Oh my. A paper bag book. It’s been years since I saw one of those. Maybe you can share how you make them some day.

    Thanks for sharing your room remodel, your snippets, your paper bag book, Mini’s cactus, and your drink behind the sewing machine with us for T this week, dear Halle.

    Divers and Sundry
    24 Jan 2023

    It’s fun to repurpose a room, but it always takes me forever to arrange things. You’re making great progress. Your snow! Wow!

    Happy T Tuesday

    24 Jan 2023

    The room looks great, but I don’t like seeing that snow outside.

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    24 Jan 2023

    Loving all the light from the window that your new furniture arrangement allows, much easier to craft on those darker days ☺️. Loving the view too, that looks like a lot of snow. Your journal clusters are fabulous too. Stay warm and Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

    Kate Yetter
    24 Jan 2023

    It’s exciting to get a new space but I am guessing bittersweet at the same time. Loving all the journal covers and clusters that you have in the works. The texture is so lovely. Happy Tea Day, Kate

    Foxy stamping-Sharon
    24 Jan 2023

    Love your clusters. I was thinking, your desk might work right facing the window. My desks sits directly in front of the window, so sitting at it I look out the window. Happy ‘t day.

    Carola Bartz
    24 Jan 2023

    The second picture looks like there is a lot more light coming in from the window. Could you put a glass on the little table to your right where the iron sits right now? I can see that a glass behind the sewing machine is an awkward place.

    24 Jan 2023

    Halle how about putting a window sill on that window? It could hold a plant AND your drink? ! I know you’ll get the room figured out.. Looking forward to seeing your journals.. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

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