Serendipity tags

Last week after a small binge of creating a stash mini collage pieces for journals and cards I decided to make some tags as well. I was inspired after watching a YouTube video by The Mushroom Market. She created lovely tags to go in her journals with just leftover strips of paper layered up in a seemingly random fashion. It looked like great fun!

Since I’m not big on following rules or doing things exactly as I’ve been shown, I began to layer up papers from my scrap bucket. Different sizes and shapes…all glued down on a piece of glossy printer paper that had yellowed around the edge. Obviously not the greatest quality paper but I’m not complaining since it came in a gigantic lot of craft supplies I acquired several years back.

As with so many things I don’t have a true “before” photo of the uncut sheet. I get so caught up in what I’m doing that I completely forget to document the process.

But you get the idea of what the sheet looked like before I cut them apart, cut the corners and stitched the edges.

I think they are kind of fun. At any rate they used up some scraps and will be put to use as journal tags, gift tags or embellishments someday.

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