It’s that time once again to reflect on the year. How did I do with my Word of the year?
One thing is for certain…strength played a huge part in 2021.
Somehow I mustered the strength to return to the classroom while most every fiber of my being was telling me not to.
I had strength in my resolve to get vaccinated as soon as I was eligible.
I used my physical strength to grow more food in our garden and amend the soil so I am ready to plant again in the spring. My physical strength also got me out walking and participating with coworkers on weekly step challenges.
I had strength to let my baby girl go off to college. The strength to let go.
I was really hoping I could somehow find a way that strength played a role in my art but I’m drawing a blank.
This was a good word for 2021. We all needed it, but you definitely did going back into a school setting and having your daughter move off to college. I can relate from past days to both of those events. Happy 2022 to you. I’m off to see what your new word for 2022 is.
It’s an inspirational word, and it’s good to think of strength in terms other than the physical. Thanks!