It’s a celebration! T stands for Tuesday turns 3 today! Wowsers…has it been that long already?
I thought for today I’d go back through my posts and pick out a few that show the diversity of our weekly get-together.
It’s so much fun to touch base with everyone one a weekly basis….even if I am really late in visiting sometimes. :) Thanks to Elizabeth for continuing to host our virtual tea (or insert your beverage of choice) party. I love seeing photos and art from the group. I feel as if I am taking mini vacations or at the least living vicariously through them.
I’ll be out and about again…it is Tuesday after all. I will be around to visit later though…
What are you doing today??
Happy T Day Halle Fun to see the great T mosaic you put together. Where does the time go! Do you still live on Chaparral? I’ll be sending you a little something to celebrate Elizabeth’s 3rd Anniversary as your name follows mine on Mr Linky :-) oxo
I love all your t cups and your tribute to the last 3 years. It hasn’t even been a full year for me, but what a great group you folks of the T gang are. Thanks for welcoming me every week. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika
I love your retrospective. I enjoyed the look back and remember all of these wonderful T entries. I like how you have chosen so many different looks for examples.
Thanks for sharing this look back with us for T this soon-to-be Tuesday.
I forgot to mention how sorry I was to read about your flood. I hope yours wasn’t as bad as mine.
Love the TSFT collage you made, great idea!Have a lovely day, take care, hugs, Valerie
a great Mosaik Collage, i really like it with your sketch in the middle. happy t-day!
A wonderful collage with all the variety of cuppa’s you shared. As I am quite new I didn’t see them first time of posting, but I feel very welcome here. Happy T Day Yvonne
What a fun way to celebrate Halle! What a great collage of photos! Your drawing is very appropriate too. Well done. Happy T-Day, Lisca
what a wonderful way to share all those mugs surrounded by your sketches. Happy T day Halle!
Such a fun way to bring the memories of our Tuesdays together in one picture! Happy T Tuesday, and may we have many more :)
You have created a lovely montage to celebrate T Stands for Tuesday turning 3 today, perfect! Wishing you a Happy T Day! J :-)
I agree with you Halle this is just a wonderful group to visit. Everyone is so friendly and encouraging… Love your montages! Happy 3rd Anniversary T Tuesday!! Hugs! deb
Hi Halle-
You’ll need my address for the ATC switch so email me at and I’ll send out my snail mail to you. Hugs-Erika
Great seeing all of those T post photos together :) Enjoy your week!!!
I’m usually late these days too. I really enjoyed seeing your look back tribute to the three year anniversary of Tea Stands for Tuesday. It has been a fun journey hasn’t it?
L♥ve your assortment of cups, both drawn and photographed! hmmm…that tea cup pin cushion on the left would be a terrific project! Hope you have had some fun this summer, I can’t believe how fast it goes by!