T Tuesday: adjusting edition

I’m sure most of you are in the same position we are here. Adjusting to the new normal. Everyone home trying to do school and work. We had a family meeting on Sunday to set some ground rules and expectations.

So far it’s just J that has specific class times. Mini-me and I are still on spring break. Next week will be an even bigger adjustment. Mini-me and I will most likely be in “distance learning” mode. She will have online classes and I will be…well they aren’t really sure what our role will be at this time. Perhaps making videos to support learning, reading, typing curriculum…what ever is needed really.STOP work in progress sign

I quickly whipped up a couple of these signs for when the kids are working in there bedrooms. It’s not pretty but it is effective.

Mr. G is still working but in a remote location for now. There are just two of them getting an industrial printer running. I think it’s only a matter of days before he’ll be working from home as well. casually bored Marvin

Marvin is confused. His routine of morning snack, morning nap, bird watching, more napping and so on is really getting messed up by his humans constantly going from room to room making noise.dried apples

All this time at home has had me using my dehydrator and even attempting to make hamburger buns. The key word there is attempting. They are a little dense…ok a lot dense. Not too bad cut in half and toasted though.

I’ve been doing a bit more journaling as well. Both just writing and art journaling. This writing journal sometimes gets a bit of both.


This page started as a mind dump. Grievances and complaints but then something shifted. Maybe it was because I was able to rid my mind of all the clutter and garbage floating around in there. I became more mindful of things to celebrate and be thankful for.

gratitude journalling

I continued onto the next page. I was able to go to bed and actually sleep after all of this. Perhaps this mind dump will become a habit that will help me be more mindful each day.coffee for two

Today has three of us home working on chores and little projects. Trying to stay active. Keeping physically distant from others while maintaining social connections.

What are you doing today?
12 Thoughts on T Tuesday: adjusting edition
    24 Mar 2020

    Good morning, yes I can see how Marvin would be confused-he will get used to all of you though-and then miss you when we go back to normal. I still have my dehydrater for almost 40 years now-I did bring one to our new lake house and gave the other one to a friend that puts up allot of food. I am thinking of getting back to canning more again and drying this summer. Love your mug with the little bird. stay safe Happy T Kathy

    Divers and Sundry
    24 Mar 2020

    That mug with the sweet yellow bird is adorable. I’d probably pick it a lot if it were in my cabinet :)

    New schedules and routines can be hard to settle into, but I imagine the Cat Kingdom worldwide is very confused.

    Happy T Tuesday!

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    24 Mar 2020

    I realize I’m late, but I got here as soon as I could, considering.

    What a way to spend your spring break. At least you weren’t in FL or some place where they shut the borders. I hope your spring break is great and you figure out the various things you three will need to do when you are all home.

    I was going to ask if you and E still have a 3-D printer. They are asking people to make masks using their printers and the specific codes that have already been written. It started in Seattle, but has spread across the country.

    I love your cute mug with the yellow bird. It’s adorable. Thanks for sharing your time and your spring break with us for T this Tuesday. Give Marvin extra love, too. You know he’s going to need it.

    Kate Yetter
    24 Mar 2020

    The only thing I have had success with when it come to the dehydrator is fruit strips, jerky and herbs. But it certainly is a great way to preserve. I should pull it out and start experimenting. Yes, our routines are all messed up. But at least I get to be with the people I love during this time instead of being alone. What a great exercise in your journal. Happy Tea Day, Kate

    Jan Spencer
    25 Mar 2020

    Your dehydrated food looks good, I think at this time anything you can save in any way for future use it good. I love the pretty mugs. we have some sun today so I’m trying to get my washing dry but we were practically skipping around when we opened the blinds to find no rain, now we chance to do job and get outside! Take care, Jan x

    25 Mar 2020

    Hi Halle, glad you are managing everything in spite of the hard times. Poor Marvin, his life has been disrupted, too. I have a big jar of dried apples a neighbour made, and they are delicious. Take care of yourself! Hugs, Valerie

    25 Mar 2020

    This was a well worded post, and I enjoyed reading it. I like how you improvised, and made the door signs using what you had. I think it looks fine. I know they say dogs pick up on the human emotions going on around them, but I think cats do, also. My cat seems to have picked up on my elevated stress level, which I have since been able to reduce. Your mindful art journaling is a good idea. I like both of your mugs.

    25 Mar 2020

    First of all I think your journal page about de-cluttering the mind is a great idea. The door signs also, a good idea when family are all home together. Marvin did look comfortable, I’m sure he will be getting more pampering from you all. Belated T day wishes. Stay safe and well. Yvonne xx

    Lisca Meijer
    25 Mar 2020

    Yes, Marvin’s life has been disrupted, but you seem to have been able to create a new routine. It is strange for all of us, this new normal. We all have to adjust. For me, retired at home with my hubby, nothing changes much, so I’m OK. Stay safe dear friend, Happy (belated) T-Day, Hugs, Lisca

    Linda Kunsman
    25 Mar 2020

    Good idea to dump the mind clutter in a journal! I don’t have a dehydrator but imagine it does come in handy. Our area was just put on lockdown an hour ago…oh well. Getting lots done around the house with hubby home that’s for sure:) That is such a sweet photo of Marvin! be well and happy T day (a day late)

    25 Mar 2020

    Hi Halle. Boy, life is getting complicated. Marvin does look confused. Poor guy. Lovely post about how you’re coping. I think I’ll try that mind dump idea.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    26 Mar 2020

    Poor Marvin…he will be like the rest of us and get used to it! Love the pages! I will be using up some of my magazine quotes too! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

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