Since heading back to school I think perhaps I’ve done more crafting than I did all of August. It always works that way. What’s that saying?… “Busy people get things done.” There is whole lot of truth in that statement. Grab a cup of coffee or whatever and stay awhile…I’ve got lots to share.
I think I’ll start with the travel journal I made with ephemera from our trip. It’s still a work in progress but here’s a sneak peek at the journal with some of the goodies tucked inside.
I’m still sewing like there’s no tomorrow.
In fact this photo was taken 10 mins before I had to leave for my first day back to work.
No games will be played at the game table anytime soon. I’ve kind of temporarily taken over. I’m nearly done with the paper foundation stitching on all the blocks…at least I think so. Once I start doing the layout I’ll know for sure.
I also did a bit more cleaning and organizing in my art zone. I wish I could call it a studio but that would be like putting lipstick on a pig. It’s functional…just not pretty.
Check out my new washi tape organization….
Mini-me has yet to do her color organization on the washi…I know she will though and it will be much prettier.
While I was organizing I decided it would be a good idea to make some more card bases or backgrounds..which ever you prefer.
I picked up the paper pad above at Tuesday Morning (no affiliation) and was itching to use it. So many pretty patterns.
I have a nice stack of cards started now just waiting for the right sentiment or occasion.
I’m heading back to the sewing machine to finish up my blocks. Can’t. Stop. Sewing.
I certainly haven’t been organizing, although I have done a bit of sewing. Mostly I’ve been dyeing. But you have been doing a whole lot more than I have.
I look forward to seeing your travel journal, as well as what you do with all that fabric. I need to buy one of those tools that cuts fabric, because tearing won’t work for some things.
WOW, I think you may be the Washi Tape Queen. I’m super impressed and love seeing all the new ones you have purchased, too. LOVE lipstick on a pig. But your storage area is functional, at least.
Thanks for sharing your coffee, your organizing, your washi tape, your travel journal, and your sewing with us for T this almost Tuesday.
I found that I didn’t make a lot of art in July but more in August. But even though I don’t have as much time now, my art is “better” than what I made in the summer. I am saying this because busy people maybe more creative too. Happy T day Halle.
Often I look back at when I worked, was raising a young one, had two dogs and still managed to get so much done cooking,cleaning, and art-wise:) So true what you say… lots of fun and colorful projects here! Happy T day!
It’s good to get organised, and it’s even better to know where everything is. Love the fabric patchwork, have fun finishing your book. Happy T Day, Valerie
It looks like an art studio to me. I think a place that looks filled with creativity would qualify for that title, and yours certainly has the look :)
I’ve wondered what might be done with those paper pads I sometimes see… That’s a good idea!
Happy T Tuesday
Wow, you certainly got a lot of crafting done! I love the cards and wow, your arranged your washi tapes perfectly ?. The fabric patchwork looks beautiful too. Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x
It looks like you’ve been very busy and creative. Happy T-Day!
OOhhhh A lot of wonderful projects Halle !! You´re full of creativity !! that´s fantastic. Those papers and fabrics are very beautiful, sure you´ll create lovely Artworks. Your organization for washi tape is fabulous, all so well put together, and I impressed by all the new cards you are preparing, woww, super busy now ! Can´t wait to see them finished. Very happy belated T-day ! (sorry I´m late ) I wish you a very nice afternoon, and send big hugss, caty
Love seeing all the projects you have in the works. Your papers are so pretty. Tuesday Morning was one of my favorite stores but sadly we don’t live near one anymore. Looking forward to seeing your travel journal. It’s always fun to document out journeys. Happy Tea Day, Kate
My mother had a similar saying from German, Halle. I think it translated, “The more you do, the more you’re asked to do.” Your spin is more positive.
You’re full of aphorisms (which I love) today. “That would be like putting lipstick on a pig.” ? Your craft room(s) look very much like mine. From laundry room to kitchen to craft table. The crafty goodness just flows where it will.
Happy T-day! Eileen xx
Oh My! You really are busy! Love the sewing and the papers do look pretty! Looking forward to seeing more of your journal! Your craft zone looks organised but a big Ooooh! to the washi tape! We are busy sorting things out at our caravan so there isn’t so much to to when we give it up in December! A very belated happy T day! Chrisx